"I mean, one of us is already f***ing a Lockwood. What makes for two?" Luke snickered, making me whine while Violet laughed. Shaking my head, I stood up and tossed the package of food on the coffee table.

"I hate you both." I grumbled and went to the door. "I'll change so you can both keep it in your pants." I put my hands up before leaving the room. When I passed through the group of men again, I was stopped by Matthew.

"Where are you going?" Sighing I looked at him, then Greyson, then Matty again. 

"I only wear your clothes for this exact reason." Crossing my arms I watched him.

"What?" Michael said in confusion.

"Luke and Violet think I'm f***ing Gimpy now." Greyson growled at me in irritation. "That's why I wear your clothes Matthew, no one can think that." He snorted as I turned around and went upstairs to Matthew's room. I changed then went back downstairs and shut both teens up as I sat down. 

Greyson's POV

It's been a long morning of searching their property, house, and area surrounding it all. Luke and Violet came over so all of us were in one spot to talk this over. When we all had gone back into the spare room, she wasn't on the bed. Everyone started to freak out, but I knew she was in the closet sleeping. After setting a blanket on top of her shivering body, we all went downstairs to talk. 

Hours and hours of talking gets old, so it was nice to see her punch Luke's second guard for being mean about her dead animals. The animals mean whoever is hunting her down, well they know her routine. It's escalating quickly and I don't like the idea of her alone and in harms way. 

"Luke and Violet think I'm f***ing Gimpy now. That's why I wear your clothes Matthew, no one can think that." Her voice sent irritation through me. She keeps calling me that, as if she wants a rerun of what hap- oh. Also, I don't want her wearing anyone's clothes but mine. I watched as she returned in her brothers sweats, then disappear into the living room.

"Does she know?" My father asked calmly. Shaking my head I shifted slightly.

"Please don't." Matthew almost whined in defeat. So he knows too?! "You're not that discrete." 

"She can't know, not yet anyway." They nodded at me. "She'll be mad and I don't want to listen to her yell at me for being 'a stupid prick for lying' or a 'selfish egg-head'. Too much is happening right now." They all chuckled at my air quotes around what she'd say.

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