The infamous WERE-ZOMBIE

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"What do you want?" I murmured. I got no response other than a rude shove in the back. I stumbled forward and almost fell to my knees. The rope he had tied to my wrists cut painfully into the soft skin, making me hiss in pain. The sun had gone down most of the way with only part of it's happy glow visible, the rays casting an eerie glow into the misty dusk.

After Liam had left, my attacker wasted no time in getting me out of an inconveniently placed back door in the room. I was shoved out the door, and tied up. It brought back memories of when I first met Liam, although he never would have been this rough.

"You killed my best friend," he growled into my ear.

I flinched away from his breath. It was so foul I had to hold in a gag. "Friend?" I gasped, flinching again as he gave me another shove. "I don't understand!"

"Of course you wouldn't remember him, would you!" He snarled. I expected another hard shove, but was greeted with the solid, awaiting ground. He had thrown me down! Now I could take a lot, I could handle my own very well. I had pride in my self control but right then, controlling myself was the furthest from my mind.

"NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME BUSTER!" I shrieked from the ground. "The only time I have killed anyone living was before the apocalypse even started so I think you have the wrong person!"

He stood there, creepily, unmoving. I didn't see him make any movements for quite some time. After several minutes, I feared he turned to stone.

He had to have had the wrong person! The only person I had killed was in self-defense, and that had been my late boyfriend....which ironically happened to be Liam's younger brother. He had never gotten the time to introduce me to all his friend's. I met some of them, of course, but not all of them... could he be? There's no way! Is there?

"Was his name...." I started. The statue moved, well, more like jerked in my direction. I flinched at the sudden movement, but continued. "Greyson?"

"WOW, very funny. You can't even get his name right you idiot!" He roared at me. Spittle flew from his lips and onto my arm, which was currently tied up and blocking my face from any assaults.

Wow this dude really is insane....

Suddenly, he hunched over, his hood fell off and his legs crumpled beneath him. "You killed him!" He groaned, his voice now deep, and demonic. "You killed him- agh! Aghhhgag!"

His now visible face contorted. He seemed to have once been a handsome man, maybe mid twenties... I couldn't tell what color his hair was though, since half of his skull was deteriorating into the soft flesh of his brain. What was he! Zombies couldn't talk!

He hunched into himself, trembling violently, his eyes rolling backwards into his head. He fell into the hard, damp, spring-time earth. His hands contorted into claws as he convulsed on the ground. He did this for about a minute. Then he stilled.

I didn't have time to untie myself, not even time to think about getting free, before he moved again. Although this time, his movements were less human and more jerks and twitching. He lifted his head, his soft, rotting head where you could clearly see the brain sloshing around, and looked at me. His eyes, which had originally been hazel, were now a deep scarlet red with an enormous black pupil.

"Well you're not normal." I said stupidly.

"GGGGLLLAAARGH!" He gurgled.

"Well, I got to run, busy times you know," I gestured with my tied wrists, the extra rope swinging. "The apocalypse and all."


"Hmmm, mmmhhhmmmm." I hummed, standing up unsteadily. "Very intelligent observation...."

Whirling around, I bounded as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

"HELP!" I screamed.

It wasn't long after that that I heard my abductor crashing through the trees behind me. "Great! Just GREAT!" I growled, fumbling with the rope, which wasn't tied all that well after all. "ANOTHER runner!"

He roared behind me, gaining speed. I could almost feel his hot, putrid breath on my neck. I shuddered. "ROOAAR." I mimicked back. "USE YOUR ENGLISH STUPID!"

That infuriated him all the more.

I had no general direction in which I ran, my only thought was to get away. Far, far....away. It was only when I noticed the top of the factory near the edge of the trees that I realized I was going in the right direction.


What? I could have sworn I heard...



"LIAM!" I hollered. Thank you, I prayed silently, Thank You.

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