Cheesecake madness

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"Why are we going back to the factory again?" Liam trudged slowly behind Aislynn and I as we skipped happily through the forest.

Liam didn't understand us in the slightest, that much was obvious. Although, he seemed to be getting more and more used to our weirdness. "He's getting too comfortable." I whispered into Aislynn's ear as we skipped along. She stole a glance behind us at Liam, who was dragging Sam along in the little red wagon. "Yeah, he is."

"Do you think our unpredictable personalities frighten him enough?" I questioned, feeling a deep sense of remorse at the thought. "If not, I feel that we need to try harder." she replied.

We both turned to look behind us at Liam. His eyes caught Aislynn's, then mine.

"What?" he asked, his eyes had grown wide and he looked scared now. Sam barked happily from her place in the little red wagon. We both turned back around and continued to skip, giggling wildly.


"How much longer Aislynn?" Liam hollered, cupping his hand over his mouth so his voice would be louder. I rummaged through some more files in the small room that Aislynn previously stayed in before she found us. I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, or a cheesecake recipe.

Maybe, there's another file room. Everyone who worked in the factory couldn't possibly memorize all the recipes...could they?

I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me. It was a tad difficult though, since Aislynn was a disaster and left a pile of garbage in the way. I didn't understand how one person could collect so much stuff, then I realized I hadn't thought of myself yet.

The door clicked shut softly. I stepped out into the clearing of the huge main room. Liam stood in the center, his back to me. Sam barked joyfully at him as he knelt down to pet her. She wagged her tail so hard I feared she might fall over.

I almost went over to them, almost, but then I caught a glint of flashing metal from the corner of my right eye. I felt my feet turn in the direction of the new door instead of Liam. He didn't seem to notice that I was even there.

The door was small, and that was a surprising statement for me to make, considering I was no tall cupcake. It had a pale metallic shine, and thick bolts that held it hinged in place. It looked nothing special, just like the main door, and the one I just closed to Aislynn's previous home. Something called me to it, however. I didn't understand the feeling, but decided it wouldn't hurt to check in there. I might find a cheesecake recipe!

My hand grasped the cold, weirdly shiny doorknob. It didn't seem to bother me much as to why this door looked almost new while all the others were rusted almost beyond repair. I turned the knob, and the door clicked open easily. It was dark inside. I stepped in.

The inky blackness scared me, but not as much as all the monsters that could be hidden within. My hand slapped onto the nearest wall, searching for the nearest light switch, a flashlight, something! I didn't have to search long, for my hand found the switch, which was more of a button since the switch part had broken off long ago. I fumble for a few second, trying to catch hold of what was left of the switch.




I flinched as the light flickered on. It sparked, sizzled and shrieked a couple times, but worked well enough. The room was now dimly lit enough that I could see in front of my face. I regretted my newly found sight, however, when my eyes caught something truly horrifying. A scream tore from my throat, I tried to escape the horrific sight, but even when I turned away from it, the scene flashed behind my eyes. The light lasted no longer than that, shattering in a spray of sparks and leaving me alone in the darkness once again. Another scream left my mouth as a hand clasped my wrist. I was pulled roughly into the darkest part of the room. The door slammed shut, leaving no light, no hope. I tried to scream again, but a hand clasped over my mouth, silencing me. 

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