Chapter Six - { One Year Later }

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"Why'd you wanna come here anyway?" He asked extending his hand to help you off the bike.

"Because I want to get some things! And why not? We've got the whole day to do nothing. We may as well go somewhere. Plus didn't you want to get something for your little map on our wall?" You said hopping off the bike with his help.

"Oh! Yeah your right! It was just some more paper and pins. I got more stuff to put up. Y'know that thing I keep mentioning and feeling deep in my gut, is meant to happen today so lets just wait it out." He said walking off into the market. You followed after him glancing around at all the small items the venders had. You thought about getting some more food for the shack while you were here so you told Keith you were going off to the food side of the market. With a nod from him you set off. The market wasn't small but wasn't huge either. It had all the right amount of things and necessities you could ask for, so it really helped you get through this past year. The search for your beloved friend Shiro seemed to never end. Every time you thought you found something that got you closer to finding him, it led to a dead end. It made you frustrated and sad at the same time. You couldn't imagine what he was going through. Honestly it scared you to think about it so you just indulged yourself in the market.

*Small Time Skip*

It was now starting to get dark at the market and you and Keith had found what you needed and so you both decided to head back to the small beat up shack.

You and Keith were now back on the bike getting ready to leave when you saw a huge explosion in the sky followed by something falling out of it, your eyes light up and followed the ship like thing all the way to its crash sight.

"What the hell was that?!" Keith yelled panicked

"I have no idea...we should check it out" You said smiling

"Are you crazy?! We don't even know what it is?! What if it's something bad?" He replied back anxiously

"What if it's got something to do with your little thing going on huh? What if it's got something to do with Shiro?!" You barked back looking him in the eyes. They widened slightly at your small outburst but soon became dark with worry. He turned around and jammed the key into the keyhole turning it sharply and the bike blared to life. It lifted you both off the ground and Keith turned sharply to the left and sped off in the direction of the strange explosion. The wind blew through your hair as you kept an eye out for anything strange looking like for instance the ship like thing. Keith sped along the sand dodging huge mounds of rock. As you got closer you began to see that here was a base built around the crash sight.

"Keith stop. There's a base built around the sight, we won't be able to get in with guards there." You said quietly as he slowed the bike down. You placed a had on his shoulder standing up on the bike. You glanced over the area you were in and it was filled it huge mountains and bits of rock. There was a huge space of land behind the base.

"If we create a distraction we can sneak in" You said sitting back down.

"But what kind of distraction?" Keith questioned turning back to you. You began rummaging through your bag. Your hand closed around a small device you'd been saving for a time like this.

"A distraction caused with this" You said holding up some explosives.

"Holy shit (Y/N)! You just had those in your bag?! What I'd hey went off??" Keith said grabbing them out of your hands inspecting them.

"They won't just go off. They have to be detonated" You said smirking holding up the trigger button. Keith looked at you with shock all over his face.

"Since when did you build explosives?" He asked curiousness lingering in his eyes.

"I learned a while ago but recently built some. I thought we may need them and we do now so I think I made the right choice bringing them!" You exclaimed patting him on the back. He just chuckled and nodded.

{ Guardian Of Light }      •Shiro X Reader•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat