29 - I love you

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What was happening? Beth didn't like to attract attention. When she looked over at Oliver, he had a desperate look in his eyes that reminded her of that October day when they met on the beach. She had trouble focusing on what Lucas was saying, but she slowly realized what was happening.

Lucas said, "I know you've been unhappy. I love you, and I don't want to lose you. I want you to feel like we belong to each other and tomorrow you'll be the most beautiful woman with this on your finger."

She watched in utter disbelief as Lucas placed a velvet box in front of her. She lifted the lid and inside was a diamond ring - a three or four carats diamond. She couldn't deny it was beautiful or she had once dreamed of a moment like this.

She whispered as she peered in the box. "Lucas, you don't want to marry me."

"Bethany, look at that ring."

Looking around every eye was on her. "I think we need to discuss this at home, in private."

"Just put the ring on. Now you're embarrassing both of us."

Reluctantly, the least she could do for Lucas after so many years was to prevent his embarrassment. So she allowed Lucas to slip the diamond onto her finger and the room clapped. All she noticed was Oliver running back into the kitchen. She wanted to explain. She needed to explain, but how could she? She couldn't just walk back into the kitchen filled with his employees.

Lucas couldn't pay their bill fast enough for Beth. She wanted to leave and have it out with Lucas. He didn't suddenly want a wife. Lucas commented that Oliver didn't adjust their bill. He typically took drinks or dessert off. Beth wanted to yell the reason why.

As soon as they stepped outside and the cold air hit her like a slap in the face. "I thought you went there to give him business, not for a free dessert."

They walked in silence, but the minute the door to his condo closed, she turned to him.

"Are you seriously telling me that you want to marry me?"

"I just proposed!"

"I don't remember you asking me. You said, here's a big, fat ring." Her voice was raised as she held up the ring she had taken off her finger. Calmer, she said, "There was a time when I dreamed of a moment like that, but over the past two years, I learned we have different wants. Maybe it would be easier if I hadn't stayed so long, but I love you and always will."

"See love is really all that matters."

"No, I said that I love you, but I'm not in love with you. It isn't enough of a reason to give up my dreams. I want a family. I want snotty nosed kids. I want what Joanna and Paul have. I can't tell you how jealous I am of her."

"Of Joanna who has let herself go. Why?"

"Because she's in love, and happy and fulfilled."

"You're going to leave me aren't you?" His sad face tugged at her heart.

"Yes, I was going to tell you on Sunday, but Oliver is moving out of my house."

"I should have known he was involved. I see the way he looks at you."

Pretending not to understand she said, "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Will you wear the ring tomorrow night?"

"No, I just can't. it would be a lie. Our friends don't deserve that. We can discuss it, but perhaps I can continue to help with the gala, as a volunteer event coordinator. Unless of course, you find someone else by next year."

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" he asked very sadly.

"Perhaps it would be best if I slept in the guest room."

Once alone, she let out a long breath as if she hadn't breathed since the champagne arrived at their table. She texted Oliver, I said NO. I told him I'm moving out.

She wanted to call, but Lucas would hear her. She waited for his response, but it didn't come.

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