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*Hera's POV*

I walked through endless tunnels with Ezra at my side. We'd been sent on a mission together to find a herb for a sickness that Sabine and Kanan had caught. The antidote required the herb so we're going to get it. Zeb and Chopper were out getting the other ingredients while we dealt with this. Only Ezra volunteered for this mission, Zeb and Chop hate tunnels. 

"How much further?" Ezra asked, kicking a stone into the darker depths of the cave.

"I'm not sure" I replied, moving my torch to the sides of the cave.

"But we're close."

"How do you know that?"

"I have a feeling."

"You're beginning to sound like Kanan."

I couldn't help but smile at that. I have to admit, that Jedi and I could both be pretty similar at times. Then and again, so did Ezra and Kanan.

'Like Master like Padawan I suppose' I thought.

"Hera, is that it?"

I looked to where Ezra was pointing and my eyes widened in joy.

"Yes, that's it" I told him going over and taking a good look at it.

"A shovel isn't going to be able to dig this out, mind using your lightsaber?"

I heard the sound of the teen's weapon and watched as the blue blade lowered to the plant.

"Be careful" I told him.

"Hey, I'm always careful."

I had to hold back a snort, thinking back on Ezra's record of trouble and uninterrupted missions that had suddenly sprung upon him. Always careful, pssh, yeah right.

Ezra finished cutting around the plant and pulled it out, passing it to me.

"Good work" I praised, putting the herb in my bag.

"We should probably go..."

A growl suddenly rolled around the cave making us tense.

"What was that?" Ezra whispered.

"I don't know" I murmured back.

I turned on my torch, lifting it to the darkness of the tunnel and almost dropped it in fear. Standing tall and too close for comfort was a Gundark. It gazed at us for a few moments before a growl started to rumble at the back of its throat.

"Ezra, run" I ordered already taking off.

The teen was right behind, unfortunately, so was the Gundark. It let off screams of snarls and growls, it's claws drumming heavily on the rocky ground. The cave began to quake, loose stones falling from the ceiling.

"Hera! Look out!" Ezra shouted.

I looked up and felt myself freeze. Rocks the size of tauntauns were falling, right to where I was standing. I felt like someone had shoved me hard in the back, throwing me far from the debris. I covered my head as dust and boulders continued to crumble and fall from the roof of the cavern. The ground shaking terribly, making me feel sick. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it all stopped. Some of the dust settled on the ground like fine powder while the rest floated around. I coughed and sat up slowly, still shaken from the sudden event. I looked over my shoulder and felt my stomach drop. Where there was once an open cave now lay a blocked pathway of rocks.

Ezra was nowhere in sight.

"Ezra!" I yelled, stumbling to my feet and running to the wall of stones.

Hera and Ezra one shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu