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Suggested to me by ilovedolphins101

*Ezra's POV*

I stood with Zeb and Kanan in the command ship as it drifted through space. We'd recently received a distress signal from Sabine. She, Hera, and some of Phoenix Squadron had gone to Concord Dawn to try to negotiate with the Protectors. A clan of Mandalorins that were strong fighters. I'd felt a little nervous about the mission even though I wasn't part of it. But something didn't seem right. And now that Sabine had just contacted us, my gut was twisting. Was everyone okay? Was everyone safe? I couldn't stop worrying. Suddenly, an A-WING dropped from hyperspace. Kanan instantly want to the control panel.

"Sabine what happened? Where's Hera?" He asked.

"She was right behind me. Kanan, we didn't have a chance. These Mandalorins work for the Empire too" Sabine's voice came through the com.

Suddenly, a ship entered the system. I felt my stomach drop and eyes widen. The A-WING had smoke wafting from the engines. Embers were sparking from the laser marks.

"Hera? Hera, can you hear me?" Kanan said into the com in a panicked tone.

"I see her, I see her Kanan it's bad" Sabine said.

"You've gotta hurry. Please hurry!"

I bolted from the command center to the docking area. Opening the door, I used the Force, to pull the ship in. I could feel my heart pounding as I saw the damage up close. Hera wasn't moving inside the cockpit, small sparks of energy crackling from the controls. I felt sick with worry. Were we too late? Kanan, Zeb and Rex slid down the ladder and helped me put the ship down. Kanan put a hand on my shoulder as a gesture of gratitude before going over to the A-WING and opening the top. He carefully pulled Hera from the wreckage and walked from the docking bay fast. I knew he was taking her to the Medic-bay and I prayed it wasn't too late.

It was later that night, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I'd received word that Hera was stable yet I couldn't shake the feeling of nerves. I had to go make sure she was okay. See for myself she was alive. Quiet as a mouse, I slid down the ladder and crept from the room. I snuck through the halls of the command ship towards the Medic-bay. What if someone saw me? What would I say? Thankfully, no one was around so I didn't have to answer any questions. I was grateful for that. Opening the Medic-bay door, I looked in. Hera was in the closest bed, bandages covering her body. A heart monitor was beeping beside her bed, a sign that she was alright. I would've left seeing that Hera was fine back in the earlier say of joining the Ghost Crew. But something lingering in the back of my mind tugged at my heartstrings. I realised something; I didn't want to leave Hera's side. Turning on the spot, I went to the Twe'lik and hesitantly sat on the seat beside her bed. I gazed at Hera, she didn't look like herself. I was so used to the headstrong, always fighting pilot Hera was. Seeing her injured on a medic bed wasn't right. It was wrong. Really wrong. I exhaled and clasped my hands together.

"Hera" I said quietly.

"I don't know if you can hear me but I just want you to know that I'm...I'm," I gazed up the ceiling for a few seconds before continuing.

"I'm worried about you. I'm not used to seeing you like this. I know everyone gets hurt every once and a while but this isn't like you at all.  Please," I took Hera's hand in my own, gazing at the Twe'lik imploringly.

"Give me a sign that you're alright, I won't be able to sleep tonight knowing you're not okay. Do anything please...anything."

Silence filled the room as I waited hopefully. Then, when there was no reply, I sighed sadly. Looking at the floor, then I suddenly felt the hand in mine tighten and heard the bedsheets rustle slightly.

"Ezra?" A soft, gentle voice asked.

*Hera's POV*

Our of all the things I expected to wake up to, it wasn't this. Ezra was holding my hand, eyes full of sadness as they were glued to the floor. I'd heard his voice, it was soft and full of emotion. I'd heard every word the boy had said and felt a loving warmth in my heart.

"Ezra?" I asked.

The boy's head snapped up in surprise and I saw relief flood his eyes.

"Hera!" He exclaimed joyfully, moving as if to embrace me but hesitated.

I felt a flicker of concern. Did he not feel comfortable about hugging others?

"How do you feel?" Ezra asked, sitting back down.

I rubbed my temples with my free hand and gave a one shouldered shrug.

"I've had worse" I replied honestly.

Ezra nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Ezra," I began.

"Did you really mean what you said?"

"Huh?" The boy asked, looking confused.

"Before, I heard you talking to me. You said you were worried about me."

Ezra's eyes widened before he looked away in embarrassment, going red in the face.

"Hey" I said squeezing his hand.

"It's okay. It's nice to know you care about me."

"Of course I care about you! You had me really worried when your ship returned half destroyed! I thought...I thought you'd died!" Ezra blurted before he could stop himself.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, you mean a lot to me. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you, don't ever scare me like that again!"

I'd been listening to the boy speak the truth without him realising it. I was shocked by his outburst. He had barely been with us for a year and he already cared this much? Ezra looked at me before it suddenly dawned on him what he'd said. Once again, he looked away in embarrassment but in my opinion, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. What was wrong with caring for others or being scared for them? Then I realised something. Ezra had lost his parents to the Empire and had to live eight years on the streets by himself. Afraid and alone as he was forced to scavenge to survive. He didn't want to grow attached incase he lost us. He didn't want to grow through emotional pain like that again. Maybe have to live by himself like he did in the past with no one to trust.

"Oh Ezra" I whispered and before I could stop myself, I'd pulled the youth into my arms.

Ezra froze in my embrace, muscles tense as he gazed up at me.

"I understand the pain you've experienced, believe me" I whispered, running my fingers through his dark hair.

"It's okay to grow attached to the ones you love. Grieving for them if they leave or pass is just a sign of the deep feelings you have for them."

Ezra still seemed hesitant about relaxing in the my hug.

"Don't be so tightly wound all the time. It's okay to put your guard down and be open for a change" I muttered softly.

Ezra finally settled he rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I had a suspicion he felt safe in my embrace which made a strange feeling come over me. One I hadn't felt before.

A motherly feeling

1279 words isn't bad.
Suggestions are appreciated.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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