Chapter 1

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"Master Bruce, I have just brought the car around for your date with Miss Sheldon."

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce had just finished tying his tie.

Alfred opened the car door for him "I must say, don't you think the circus is a bit odd for a romantic evening?"

Bruce laughed as they started driving "That's what I told her. But apparently she really loves the circus. She said there's this team of acrobats that she really wants to see."

Alfred looked at him in the rear view mirror "Just make sure you don't get into a fight with any clowns." Bruce groaned as Alfred laughed.

~time skip~

There was a loud snap and everyone in the Big Top fell silent. It felt as if time had stopped, all that could be heard was sickening thuds and bones cracking. After what felt like an eternity, time started again. People started screaming and quickly started filing out of the tent. A group of people, all dressed in circus costumes, quickly ran to the center ring.

Bruce watched silently in horror as his date cried next to him. The Ring Master, Jack Haley, was standing over the body of Mrs. Grayson. He put a hand to her neck and turned to the others shaking his head. One of the clowns checked the pulse of Mr. Grayson and he shook his head too. Bruce had seen enough.

He turned to his date "Loraine go outside and wait for Alfred. I want to see if there's anything I can do." She sniffled a bit but nodded and walked out of the tent. Bruce walked down the stairs and went over to the group.

"Has someone notified the police?" Jack looked up at him. He looked like he had just age 20 years in the span of 5 minutes.

"Not that I know of." He answered "If you could do that it would be much appreciated." Bruce nodded and made the phone call.

Once he had finished he looked back to John and Mary Grayson. Suddenly he realized something "Didn't the poster say they had a son?"

Jack looked up in horror "Dick! Has anyone seen Dick?!" that started a search of the whole circus. Anyone that could help walked around searching for the 9 year old Dick Grayson. But no one found him.

When the police arrived they found that the bolts of the trapeze had been sabotaged. Jack admitted to refusing to give protection money to a man named Tony Zucco. Once things had died down a bit Bruce went to talk to Commissioner Gordon. "Have they found Richard yet?"

Jim shook his head "Apparently he was up on the platform when it happened. The poor kid saw the whole thing." Bruce's face fell "Don't worry. We'll find him. He couldn't have gotten far. The poor boy's probably terrified out of his mind. Go home Bruce you look exhausted. We can handle it from here." He nodded and walked to the car.

~time skip~

After dropping off Loraine, Bruce and Alfred went straight to the Batcave. "Commissioner Gordon said that the trapeze was sabotaged by a man named Tony Zucco." Bruce stared typing away on the Batcomputer. "It says here that Zucco runs a gang that often extorts money from traveling carnivals. He claims that it is 'protection money' to keep them from falling victim to Gotham's mobs."

"So when Mr. Haley refused to pay him, Zucco killed the Graysons to make an example of them." Alfred summed up.

Bruce nodded "Exactly. As soon as I find Zucco he is going to pay for what he did. Now..." he typed in another name on the computer "We need to find Richard Grayson." A picture of a couple and a young boy appeared on the screen. The mom and dad were laughing as the held up a small bird to the camera. The bird had a bandage wrapped around its wing so it could be assumed Richard had mended it.

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