The RuiEn Fanfic

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. >< This story is entirely made up by two crazy fangirls who can't get enough of RuiEn's characters on screen, and would want to add to the life of them afterwards. ;))

*This few paragraphs is about a murder case, but it is not related to the main story(which is the life of RuiEn's characters). However, this is similar to Hu Xiao Man and Gao Jie Yu in unriddle 2. ^^ The start of the story will come after this murder case. Hope u guys will like it <3 *


Christine: autistic young lady, aged 27. Rich girl, lived with a parents in a landed property.

Tilly: Christine's best friend, knew each other since their teenage years. But afterwards her true identity starts to unfold... (resemblance to Hu Xiao Man and Gao Jieyu yay :D)

Most of the roles that RuiEn has acted in, dating from 2005-2014. (It will come in at a later part of the story ._.)

Christine's POV

"DONT TOUCH ME. STAY AWAY FROM ME. YOU ARE A BADDIE. I KNOW U ARE." I trembled furiously, tossing and turning in my bed back at home. Awakened by my screams, my mum rushed to my side, tapping softly on my back and reassuring me that I was safe. "Just one of her nightmares again, I guess. Her condition is worsening by the day. We would have to get the doctor to come around one of these days to check on her." I heard the conversation that was exchanged between my parents, before drifting back into my dreamland...

"Morning, my darling. Breakfast is ready, come and have it." My mum commented, before pulling out one of the chairs, indicating for me to sit down. I sank down on the comfy chair, with a piece of bread spread with Nutella in my mouth. Not long after, I sat at the front passenger seat, and my father drove me to my workplace, with my mother waving goodbye at the gate.

Upon reaching the building where I worked at , I headed towards my office. Tilly was seated at her desk, flipping through several files. I approached her, giving her a grin. Having known each other since we were 13, our friendship was stepping into its 14th year. Growing up as autistic kids, we were often ostracised by others of the same age, and I was over the moon to have Tilly by my side. We were together since the start of our teenage years, and even managed to apply to the same company to work at! My life was nearing perfection, I silently thought.

Tilly's POV

Christine was my best friend, no doubt. But the irony was that I hated her with all my heart. Why, u might think. BECAUSE. JUST BECAUSE. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. SO what if she was an autistic? Her parents love her, spoil her with all the luxuries that I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE. What about me? My parents divorced after I was born, and the custody was given to my father. After almost 2 months, he decided against taking care of me. He thought I was a nuisance, crying all day long, and was a pain in the neck for him. Thus, he came up with a heartless idea: to put me up for adoption. Of course, how old was I then? How did I know what was laying in the future for me? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! After months and months in the orphanage, my adoptive parents came for me.

They were not as rich as Christine's parents. They could not buy me whatever Christine's parents had bought for her. Whenever I saw Christine basking in all the attention of her parents, I was enraged. Why couldn't I lead a better life? Why must I suffer all of this? What did I even do?! The devil in me awakened. Jealousy and hatred ran through my blood. I was tempted... To revenge all the people who treated me unfairly. Including Christine...


Christine's POV

"Tilly! There's this newly opened restaurant near Holland V. Shall we have dinner there afterwards?" I suggested, a shy smile hanging on my face. After seeing Tilly giving a nod, I relaxed, comforted that today will be a fantastic day for both of us again. Who knew... I was nearing the end of my life.

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