Part 10

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You woke up on a bed. Tzuyu is sitting next to you , eyes closing.

You're having a headache.

You sit up , looking around. Tzuyu woke up.

" Are you okay ? " Tzuyu asked.

" Yes , your highness. " You bowed.

" I told you to call me Tzuyu. " She said , annoyed.

Elizabeth came in.

" You're awake ! "

" What happen..? " You asked.

" You didn't eat anything since you left your country , I'm amazed that you still have strength to fight Klemir. " Elizabeth crossed her arms.

" I return to my country.. " You said.

" Before you go.. the Queen wanted to see you. " Elizabeth said.

You and Tzuyu followed Elizabeth to the Queen throne.

" Your majesty. " You and Elizabeth bowed.

" I believe that you wished to return to your country ? " the Queen asked.

" Yes. It's the only place I can keep Tzu- I mean our princess safe. " You said.

" Very well then... Is Princess Tzuyu ready to take the responsibility to rule her country ? " the Queen asked.

" Before that , your majesty, why does Tzuyu need to take over the country ? " You asked.

" ....Your king...has fallen. " The Queen sighed.

" What... how? " You asked.

Tzuyu expression changed.

" He's very ill after you left , there was no cure for him. " the Queen said.

" So our country doesn't have a ruler now , but if Tzu-the princess take over the King position , other country might invade us. " You mumbled.

You glanced at Tzuyu , she's staring at the floor , not saying a word.

" I'm afraid that I can't help with that , but if you need my army , I'll always send it to you. " The Queen smiles.

" Thank you , your majesty. " You bowed.


You , Tzuyu and Elizabeth rode a horse each and head back to your country.

" The weather is beautiful. " You said.

" Indeed. " Elizabeth said.

You took out your water bottle and passed it to Tzuyu. Tzuyu stared at it.

" Don't worry , it's clean , I brought an extra one just for you. " You said.

Tzuyu took the bottle and drank it.

" Are we there yet ? " Elizabeth asked.

You took out your map.

" Almost. " You answered.

An arrow flew across right infront of your face , your horse was startled and you fell down from your horse.

" Woah !! Are you okay ? " Elizabeth asked.

Your left ankle is hurting like crazy.

" I'm fine.. " You slowly stood up.

Two arrows was launched at Elizabeth, she blocked it with her hammer.

" Hunters !! " Elizabeth shouted.

Hunters are the robbers of the forest , they would kill anyone just to get food and money.

" Hory Mo'y !! We hav a p-p-prinshesss hereee!! " An old man with crooked teeth said , he's holding a bow with arrows.

Before you know it , you're surrounded with mens and wolves.

" We'll m-m-make dis eazy... jush giv us t-t-the prinnsheshh and we will l-let you go... " The old man said.

You drew out your sword.

" _____... Are you sure about this...? " Elizabeth climbed down from her house , holding her hammer tight.

" Don't let them come near Tzuyu. " You said calmly.

" K-K-KILL DEM !! "

Wolves attacked first. You swing your sword , slicing off 6 of their heads.

A man almost stabbed you with a knife. You dodged it and stabbed his leg. He scream in pain and fell down on the ground.

An arrow hit your shoulder. You groaned and pulled it out. You felt your body getting weak.

Poison.. You thought.

" Aarrghhh!! " You heard Elizabeth scream. She was hit by an arrow too.

" Elizabeth!! " You shouted.

" HAHAHA fool , you dink y-y-you can defit us , The Hunters ? " The old man laughed.

You stood up , drew out your second sword.

" I didn't plan... to defeat all of you... " You said.

You aimed your sword at the old man.

" I planned... to KILL ALL OF YOU !! " You charged at them.

To be continue...

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now