Part 17 [ FINAL ]

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It's Tzuyu wedding ceremony. The whole kingdom is crowded with villagers. Everyone is excited for her wedding.

You're in your room , cleaning your armour , making sure it's shining. You can see your reflection on it.

" Nice armour you have there. " A deep voice said.

You turned to the voice , it's Tzuyu future husband , Welson. You smiled weakly to him and continue cleaning your armour. He walked into your room , looking around like he's visiting a museum.

" Anything , sir ? " You asked.

Welson grabbed your sword. He hold it in his hands , admiring it.

" It's really light... And sharp. " He said.

You placed your armour at the corner of the room. Welson pointed the sword on your throat.

" You like the princess , don't you ? " Welson asked with a smile.

You stared at him.

" Too bad that amazing princess of yours is becoming mine soon- "

You kicked his arm , your sword bounced off from his hand , you caught it and pinned him against the wall with your sword on his throat.

" You're a lucky guy to have Tzuyu. You don't know how much she went through , so you better take good care of her as her husband or I'm gonna skin you alive. " You said.

" ____ ... " Tzuyu called.

You quickly dropped your weapon and stepped back from Welson.

" Your highness. " You bowed.

Tzuyu turned to Welson.

" What happen here ? " Tzuyu asked.

" Your little knight is angry that I'm taking you away from him. " Welson said.

" ... "

" So he wanted to fight me. " Welson said. " What do you say , ____ ? Let's have a duel till death. The winner gets the princess. "

" Welson , no. I'm not going to allowed- "

" Deal. " You stood up. Staring at him. Tzuyu is shocked to hear your response.


" Ladies & Gentlemen !! We have a special event before our Princess wedding !! The kingdom grand knight is taking on Prince Welson on a death duel !! The winner gets to marry the princess !! "

You walked in the arena. Welson is equipped with only armour and one sword. You drew out one of your swords too.

" Well looks like both warrior is ready to fight !! Let the fight begin in 3... 2... 1... FIGHT !!! "

You charged at him. Welson swing his sword sideways , you blocked it with your sword and kicked his chest. He stumbled but didn't fell down. He looks really pissed too.

Welson charged. He swing down his sword , aiming for your head. You jumped and dodged the attack.

" Incredible movements , ____. You amazed me. " Welson said.

You didn't respond. You hold onto your sword tightly and charged at him again. Welson blocked your attack.

" Is that all you got ? " Welson asked. You swing your sword , both of your sword clashes. You quickly pulled out your second sword and aimed for his chest. Welson smirked and pulled out a shield behind his back , blocking your attack.

You are shocked. You didn't noticed that he had a shield. He must've known that you had two swords. Welson hit you with his shield , you fell down on the ground , both of your swords dropped on the ground too.

You opened your eyes and saw Welson is about to swing his sword down , you backroll and dodged it.

Welson looked at you and smiled. You look behind him , Tzuyu is sitting on a chair in her wedding dress , looking really worried.

You grunts and ran to Welson , you picked up one of your sword. You attacked him , but he blocked it with his shield. Welson looked for an opening and tried to attacked you with his sword.. You dodged it. Welson smirked and hit you again with his shield. You stumbled backwards , your head feeling dizzy , Welson threw away his shield and pulled you near him. He stabbed your arm with his sword.

" Aaahhh !!! Shit !!! " You shouted in pain. You dropped your sword. Welson pulled out his sword from your right arm. Blood are flowing out from your arm.

" You won't stand a chance. " Welson said. You grabbed your sword with your left hand and tried to stabbed him. Welson hit your sword away and sliced your leg. Your leg muscles are sliced open. You lost your balance and fell down on the ground.

" Now die. " Welson said. An arrow pierced through Welson head. He collapsed on the ground.

Tzuyu ran to you with a bow in her hand.

" ___ !! " Tzuyu called your name.

" Tzuyu.... " You are losing too much blood , you're losing your strength too. Tzuyu hold you in her arms.

" Hang on !! I'll call medic !! "

" No... "

" Huh ? "

" It's too late... " You coughed.

" _____... " Tzuyu is starting to cry.

" Tzuyu... don't cry.... " You smiled weakly.

" _____... Don't leave me... You promised that you'll never leave me.... You said that you'll always be my knight.... " Tzuyu sobbed.

" I'm sorry... "

" I don't need your sorry !!! " Tzuyu tears are dripping down on your face.

" Tzuyu... " You held her hand.

Tzuyu look at you. Tears won't stop falling down from her eyes.

" I love you... you know that right...? "

" ____.... I love you too... That's why I didn't want Welson.... I want you , ____ .... I love you too.... " Tzuyu said.

Your whole body slowly became numb. But you still can feel tears sliding down your cheek.

" Thank you... " You said weakly.

" ____... no... please... "

Your eyes are slowly closing. All the memories of you and Tzuyu start playing infront of you like a movie.

The first time you and Tzuyu met....

" ____ !!! " Tzuyu voice is fading.

The time you went to save Tzuyu...

" Don't leave me... "

The time when you fought all the monster...

" _____.... "

All the time you saved her...

" No.... "

And her , smiling at you.

You smiled.

The End.

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now