It's Been Arranged (Leela)

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"As intelligent as our family? Oh, I see what's going on here," Leela said angrily. "You just want to make yourselves look good. It's not about me, it's about you!" Leela knew she was digging her own grave, but she didn't care. She kept at it.

"Leela. Lower your voice." Leela's father said firmly. Her mother's eyes were stone cold and her father's voice was laced with disappointment.

"No! You didn't even ask if I was okay with this, and now you're just going to tell me now? When they're already coming? You know what? Fine, have it your way! But don't think you're doing anything good for me!"

Leela didn't care that her parents were yelling at her as she ran up the stairs. She just wanted to curl up into a ball in her nice warm bed. She ran even faster when her tears formed in her eyes.

Leela burst into her room and slammed the door shut. She threw the warm covers over her body and let the tears fall. She cried and cried and cried. She couldn't wrap her head around what had just happened. She was going to marry a man from Weston college. One of the prefects! She knew there was no way for her to get out of this. That just made more tears flow down her cheeks.

Leela was deep in her thoughts and tears when she heard the door open.

"Leela?" A quiet voice asked. She recognized that voice. It was Bernadette. Leela didn't want to talk to anyone.

Leela let out a muffled "Go away." That didn't mean anything to Bernadette. She moved closer and sat on the edge of her bed. She stroked Leela's head and watched quietly as her little sister sobbed.

"Leela . . . I know how you feel." Leela peeked at her sister from her covers. "You do?" She asked, sniffling in between.

Bernadette gave her a sad smile. "Yes. Do you remember when mother and father put me in an arranged marriage with Matthew?" Leela nodded. She remembered it clearly.

Bernadette had hated the idea of getting married to a complete stranger. She cried and yelled for days. Until she met Matthew. He was such a sweet man. Kind, handsome, smart, funny, you name it. He was just perfect for Bernadette. She fell in love and was happy to marry him. Now Matthew decided he would go to his parents' home for Christmas, while Bernadette visited her home. She missed him within ten minutes of seeing her family

"Well then, you know how it turned out. I married a great man and am now a happy wife." Leela hid back in her covers.

"Leela, all I'm saying is to give the man a chance. You never know." She looked at Leela. She had stopped crying, and her eyes were red. Her eyelashes were wet and had teardrops clinging to them. She nodded solemnly.

"O-Okay. I suppose so." This made Bernadette smile.

"Leela, I'm so happy. Now, they're coming in about . . . an hour or so. So get dressed in something nice. You might want to woo your new husband-to-be." 

Leela rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't even know who the man is." Bernadette smiled as she got up and put her hand on the doorknob. 

"But I do," she started, "I think he's perfect for you," she finished as she walked out of the room to let Leela get changed, leaving Leela shocked.

She got out of bed and headed to the sink to wash her face. Leela didn't believe in wearing makeup. Mainly because there was little she knew how to do. She left her face as it was and walked over to her closet to find a nice dress. While she was in there, she started to question which prefect would be her new husband.

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