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Axel's view 

Zara's eyes met mine as soon as Emily explained everything going on. No doubt that the thoughts were racing in her head. She had so many ideas on so many different things. It would be interesting to be in her mind for a day. 

"Wow." Zara started. Realizing that she was going to stay something, I stayed quite. "It takes that long for them to take out a pack? Wow they're horrible at everything. Surely there must be something that they might be decent on but no!" She mumbled making me let out a laugh. She always seemed to say the most random things at the most random times. This was another one time, I suppose. 

"Z that's not the point but okay." Nate pointed out. I didn't realize until now how different Zara could be. There was so many different layers to her then what we knew. One minute she could be the most closed off person on the planet and the next she could be the most carefree. Proving to others that anything is possible. She wasn't into what most were, she cared more about others then herself. I'm very lucky that I actually got a mate that wasn't like any other. 

"It is a point though, like how long does it take for a attack on a pack to happen? Like I understand many a few months but a few years? Are you kidding me? Anyways back to the point, we need to figure out how to take them out." She mumbled on, proving Nate once again, wrong. I have a feeling that's something I'll have to deal with in the future. I'm up to that challenge, and any more that come with it. 


The plan had failed once again, like it has time and time again for the last few years. At least we art actually acting now, and trying something unlike the king before me. The king before the last one was always too careful. He never wanted to rush into things until he knew everything about the solution. Everyone hated my brother for it because they wanted to do it quick and easy. Like every plan, it had its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages was the fact that he was actually careful and not reckless like most. The disadvantages was the fact that he was too careful and we never got anything done because of it. Therefore he was never able to get anything done or actually be the leader we needed. The one thing that I'm proud of him for, he had Zara and Nate. Zara was taken at a young age, her parents never cared for her anyways. The door cut my train of thought as it open a pack member walked in. 

"Are we still on?" He questioned. I simply nodded my head, slightly agreeing. 

"Of course, we aren't stopping now. We are far too close."

"Alright I will go ahead and get them." I shrugged in response as I just wanted to be left alone in my own little world. He realized this as he quickly closed the door to give me the space I needed. Now where was I? Oh yeah, they were too busy messing with my brother to realize what they were doing to their daughter. In order to pay back my brother all the money they owed him, they had to give up someone or something that was worth lots of money. Their daughter was what they decided to give up. They agreed as long as they were able to get out of debt. 

You see Zara was going to be my wife when she became of age but my rat of a sister named Emily changed that. You see that was what was wrong with my mother. Women are supposed to sit and look pretty, they don't deserve to have opinions. Nowadays they never listen and that's what's wrong with my mother and Emily. Girls like them are the ones who end up dead. Nate on the other hand was just someone to practice on. I have to admit that I got carried away with the tools and stuff. Can you blame me? It's pretty fun causing pain to others. 

Now the king before me, he never stood a chance. He was bound to die from the beginning. He had all these ideas but nowhere to take them. He wanted Little Red for himself but everyone knew she is mine. He also wants to take down the strongest pack on the planet, now that will never happen. He was right to begin with, if you take down the leaders you have no pack. He just needed to know how to take the pack down. I know just the way to do it. The door opened once again, in stepped the same person. 

"We have them. Do you want us to leave you to think or-" I slightly spoke no, cutting him off. See when you have people who listen to you, it's easier. They don't let their opinions be heard, instead they listen to every demand. Just like women should, but they don't. Don't worry, I'll change that, starting with Zara and Emily. 

"Bring them in." The door was pushed open farther, as the two who seem to be more into debt came in. The two that seem to come up in every meeting that my brother ran, the two who owe me a favor. 

"We swear we didn't do anything." The mother spoke talking to my faithful pack member.

"That's what they all say." He mumbled pushing the two in the room completely. He, also was annoyed with seeing these two people. The mom reminded him of Zara, her looks only. The mom had the rare moonstone eyes that Zara took after. Although her black hair was shorter than Zara's. Granted that we never did that Zara cut her hair often but that's beside the point. Other then the looks, Zara was nothing like her mother. Zara had a golden heart unlike her mother. That's the one thing that he was missing right now. 

"Hello, Zara's parents long time no see." 

Song: Meant to be by Bebe Rexha

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