There is always something you don't know

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There is always something you don't know

"I thought you were killed!" She started to cry as I pulled her into a hug. It has been years since that night. The sound of breaking glass was the first sound I heard, making me become highly alert. The sight of bars came in view like it does very day. Although today felt different. It's been years since Zara came into the picture. They promised that no matter what happens, they would break her. I have been so proud of her, she hasn't broke yet. She's fighting them and herself. She doesn't talk too much but she once told me that no matter what we go through, this will end. No matter what they seem to bring to the table, it'll always end and they're will always be a better day. She has that hope that everyone else seems to lose. 

"Emily?" Zara seemed to of waken. "What are you doing here? You're going to get into trouble!" Zara seemed more a wake as she jumped up onto her feet,  ignoring her broken foot. Her attention that is now fully on Emily. 

"Emily she's right, you need to get out of here." I declared getting off of the floor and to the door. Careful not to touch them as it was clear to be coated in silver. 

"You guys can't stop me from helping you guys." Emily was the same age as Zara which made it sad. Emily was the kind of girl who stood for what she believe despite her age. She was only twelve, just like Zara but yet that didn't stop her. "I don't believe in what my father is doing, and I'm not standing for it." Emily quickly unlocked Zara's cage before mine.

"Now they're in a meeting  right now so you got a little bit of escape time. Run and don't ever look back."She demanded looking out the door to make sure it was clear. Zara reached out grabbing her hand "Come with us. You can escape and never have to come back." 

"Zara, I can't but promise me. Promise me that if you ever run into my father in the future. That you will take him out, people like him don't deserve to live. I'll find you guys as soon as I can, but I'll cover this up. See you guys on the other side."  

"You actually came through, you made it." She let out a slight chuckle before pulling away to look at me.

"You doubt I would fall through?" She question. I whispered a soft no as I whipped tears that fell from her eyes. 

"No but it's been forever." I spoke sending both of us to the last day together. The day that we thought we lost Emily forever. 

"Now where is Zara?" I pulled away completely grabbing her by her hand and walking onto the property. Warriors seemed to go their own way, no longer seeing her as a threat but as a friend. 

"She's with the Alpha, we'll be there soon." 

"She's beating herself up, isn't she?" Emily knew Zara too well. I gave her a slight nod  pushing a branch to the side. 

"So what did happen after we manage to get away? Like what did your dad do?" I questioned, we always wondered that question but never able to have an answer it. She paused causing me to come to a halt in confession as I waited for a reason.

"Oh wow. I never thought about that since that day." She kicked some rocks as she thought back to the best day of our lives. 

"Yeah it's been a while." I added as she continued to get her facts together.

"So when I saw the chance to get you guys out, they were in a meeting. That meeting was going to take longer than what I thought, I also knew that. I let you guys out and it took forever for them to notice. A alert was sent out thirty minutes after they find out. To this day they don't know why actually let you guys out. They were never smart enough to anyways. They still wonder to this day." She spoke like she was giving a speech. Only Emily could pull something like that off, everyone knew that. The pack house came into view as we edge closer to the middle of the territory.

"Now Zara was sleeping when I last seen her."

"What about the Alpha?" She questioned reminding me that the war happened not too long ago.

"He's okay now, he was awake when she was sleeping." The packhouse was about empty as you made your way into the ER section. The doctor seemed surprised as I came back with a rogue, I didn't actually think it through but no time to do that now. 225. The door seemed scary now that Emily was with me. The fact that Axel has to accepted her into the pack or kick her out now worried me. I pushed the thoughts aside as I opened the door.

"How did it go?" Axel questioned as soon as he saw me.

"Actually pretty good, the rogue isn't a threat." I stepped aside allowing Axel to see her. "She's a friend from the past." 

"Okay that's good thing to hear. I'm Axel and you probably already know Zara from ever ago." Emily let out a laugh agreeing with him, she did know Zara from when she was five. Zara seemed to stir awake as the time passed and after several questions she woke completely to a shock. She looked at Emily for a while before carefully getting off the bed to give her a hug. 

"I'm glad to have you back, E. It's been boring without you." Zara pointed out as I rolled at her. 

"I doubt that little red. You seem to get around but I missed you. It was boring without you." Emily stated as Zara went to walk back over to Axel. "I was also told about how you blamed yourself about the war that went down." Axel reached out to grab Zara's hand once she was close enough. The thing was Zara didn't stop him. 

"Yes because it was. They followed me here but I am going to change that." Emily nodded understanding as she crossed her arms. 

"It's good that you're going to do something about it but let tell you something. The day I helped you guys escaped, the meeting they had. Do you know what it was about?" Emily questioned. She straighten up to something she didn't know about, she always did. Zara gave that look for her to continue and she did, shocking us all while she spoke. 

"That meeting was about taking this pack down once and for all."  

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