The Event That Started It All

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Chapter 1: The Event That Started It All.

The minute I woke up I could feel it. The tension in the air could be felt from miles away-but today felt different. Scarier then normal. It seemed off as I slowly made my way down the tree. Trying to free avoid the pain as much as I could but it's impossible. I'm weaker than normal and it's not helping with the task I have at hand.

"You're weaker because you're using too much power, you idiot!" My inner voice screamed at me like usually-and like usual I ignored it. 

The pack, Red Night and the rogue's have always had a hatred towards each other so when today decided to come around-I wasn't surprised. They had a war raging on for years now-I'm surprised that it took this long for the rogue's to make the first move.  I'm not that far from the Red Night anyways but in case you didn't know rogue's are cruel people who get kicked out of packs for doing the unthinkable. This can range from giving out information about the pack out to bad people to killing someone. It's not pretty. Then there are the other kind of rogue's who leave packs because of unfairness, this can be from either wanting to be alone or sometimes the worse, leaving because of abuse. Then there are the packs. Leaders a Luna and Alpha I don't know how that all works out-but there are the kind packs. Fair treatment, no judgement, no hate-they are actually a team, a family. Then there is me. Where do I fit in? I don't that's the point. Some packs call me the helper or some can me Little Red, while rogue's try to hunt me down and kill me. Why? Because I work against them. Appearing at the scene, can make anyone run for the hills. It's brutal, packs and rogue's were at each other throats and the sight just made it worse. Bodies laid on the ground but they are all rogue's so that was good. I let out a small smile as I blindly jumped into the fight knocking rogue's off of pack members as I made my way through straight to the Rogue 'King' who was fighting the now Alpha of Red Night Pack. He was sneaking up to the Alpha who was too busy fighting off two pack members. The Rogue King has always wanted to kill the Alpha of Red Night Pack. He wants to take over the pack but yet he doesn't stop and think about the amount of people who would rebel against him if that ever happened. He lunged and shifted in mid-air only to be knocked down with my knife in his side. The Alpha spun around right in time to watch the scene in front of him. He looked shock and lost for words once his eyes landed on me. With that the fight was over. The remaining rogue's were cuffed and pulled away as their Alpha's neck was snapped in front of them. Now the Rogue 'King' was done now and forever. My knife was pulled out of the lifeless body and cleaned before handed to the Alpha who hasn't moved a inch since everything happened. He stepped forward causing me to take a step back as my hand went straight to the knife located on my hip. The Alpha noticed this.

"No no no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, mate. We won't hurt you but can you drop your hood?" He questioned as I stood there, not moving. There was no way I would move in the first place or take my hood down. He realized this and a frown replaced his small smile. His forest green eyes were filled with hope? His thick black hair stood messy and everywhere which made it really cute-wait what am I doing?

"Here I'll throw the knife right next to you in the snow." The Alpha did exactly what he said he would do. He threw the knife right next to me in the snow which I grabbed placing it back where it belonged. The pack stood a good distance away from the Alpha and I which was probably a good idea although the Alpha wasn't very smart in the first place taking steps towards me-someone with knifes who has a pretty good aim when it comes between the things that must be down. He looked unsure of what to do. 

"Can you give me your name, please?" The pain in his voice could be heard from miles away which was scary but I avoided the question as I slowly turned around and started walking away. A hand shot out and grabbed my arm pulling me back quickly. 

"Nixon! Don't hurt her!" The Alpha shouted out running towards us. Rage filled his eyes as he glared at the poor guy, I quickly ripped my arm out of this Nixon guy before taking off running as fast as I could-avoiding the pain running through my legs, up my back and right to my head causing me to stubble slightly as my vision blurred as my breath picked up as I tried to out run them. 

"Little red!" I heard the Alpha shout as I sped up escaping them completely. I quickly jumped into a tree and rested there until I knew for a fact that I was good. I'm still on their land but by now there is no way they can find me. I'll continue my journey as soon as I get some rest. 

*Alpha Axel* 

My fist met the tree as we lost her. How can a pack lose one girl there are like 700 of us! No that was wrong but still! 

"Axel! Calm down! We will find her. I already have search party's out looking for her. She couldn't have gotten far, she'll be found. I just need time." Nixon started. I spun around and glared at him.

"And you if you ever think of putting a finger on my mate, your Luna over again I'll kill you! You could of hurt her and what would I have done then? You made her run! I made her run." I drifted out on my sentence. I made her run before I even got a name. 

"I'm sorry Alpha I didn't mean for it to happen that way. I didn't mean to scare her like that I only meant to stop her." My beta started. "And Alpha it's not your fault. We always felt like something happened to her in the past to make her like she is, maybe guys scare her or something along the lines like that." He ended. 

"I guess you are right. Call a meeting every single Alpha and Luna needs to be there." I stated.

"And when do you want this, Axel?" My best friend questioned writing done the notes with a note pad he always has on him. 

"As soon as possible and make it urgent. Tell that to every single one of them." He wrote it done as fast as he could. 

"And can I ask what this meeting is about?" He questioned following behind. 

"Rogues like always." He paused for a second looking me right in the eye. 

"Why do I sense a and after that?"

"Because there is one." He smiled knowing that he was right to guess that.

"Okay then what else is the meeting going to be about?"

"Finding my little red queen." 

Author's note. I had have this story for over a year now. I need to get it out and done. Please let me know what you thought about this first chapter and there will be MORE coming! 

Song: Uncover by Zara 

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