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Getting back to the house was the hard part. I didn't want them to follow me and I made sure they didn't but do you know how hard it is to keep track of like millions of people? It's not easy in a one single way. Zara kind of can hear anything and everything-well that is if she wants to. Just like her mom was-but whatever happened to them, they were always kind people which again made no sense because you can't always put people in front of yourself.  Zara doesn't want to see this so she refuses to do so. Footsteps echoed on the hardwood floors letting me know that Zara was now up and moving around. A few seconds later, Zara came into view, she now looked a little better but she didn't look that comfortable in the red jacket which happened to cover every inch of her body up as it hit the ground, don't ask me why she wears it, I have no clue. She lead against the door-frame and crossed her arms across her chest. It's my turn to say something.

"Look I'm sorry Z, I didn't mean everything that I said. Some of it I shouldn't of said most of it." I started she looked like she didn't know what to say for a few moments as she stayed not saying a word.

"No it's okay. It's not your fault that you are looking out for me. I should of been more understanding." She smiled a little as she looked up at me. I held out my arms for a hug and she walked over.

"Never again will we ever fight." I spoke with a soft smile.

"There will be fights but we can't let that get in the way of our friendship." She pointed out.

"Fine you're right." I laughed out.

"I don't know where you been but I'm always right!" She spoke strongly before poking me in the face like she did when we were younger.

"Okay, okay, okay. Fine." Having her this way was what made me happy. Just being able to have her in my arms was more than a best friend can ask for. She's alive for right now and that's all that matters right here, right now. That was until the dumb rogues ruined the moment. The sirens busted through the day alerting everyone nearby that this was war now. Zara pulled away quickly as we raced out of the house. She pulled her hood up and over her face as if she was racing the trees to the finish line. To say there was a lot was a understatement as Zara threw herself at a few rogues knocking them out as she continued to fight. Axel and I made eye contact with each other and we knew from the start there was no way we would be able to stop her easily. In the corner of my eye, Zara ripped the knife out of Mr. Wanna-be-king and threw it across the field before racing off again.

"Cruse you, Little Red!" He shouted on top of his lungs but didn't go after her instead he just ran after others trying and failing at killing others. The battle that happen to just start a few minutes ago just now turned into a blood bath in seconds. This you can easily tell freaked out Zara. She has always hated war and blood and anything close to that unless it was to save good people from "people who don't like to show their hearts" as Zara puts it-but she never took a life from someone. She once told me that she had no right to do that to someone no matter what they did-it isn't her job. A rogue through me off balance as I was thrown across the battle field only to get back up and charge at it, snapping it's neck without a second thought. 

Third person point of view 

The battlefield turned into betray as rogues switched sides and started attacking their own-joining the packs side once and for all. This seemed more like sacrifice on the rogue king's side more then anything else. It was like they were dying for their king who was no where in sight. Hate and ruthlessness filled the air as the descending kind tried to fight their way back through the massacre that was taking place, this event was already making it's way into the history books as it happened. This sight was just sickening to watch, it would set any sane person insane. It was hours before the remaining rogues surrendered only to be slaughter a second later. The land that once had two points of view from two different 'teams' now stood only one. The packs-Nathan, and of course Little Red. Now that they were gone-Little Red was their only problem remaining. The question was-How are they going to stop her now. Little Red could see it, they were watching her next move. They wanted her to make the first one. One of the many Alpha's stepped towards her and that's all Little Red needed until she ran. She ran as fast as she could. Her breathing picked up as she ran so hard her hood threatened to fall off. Her legs ached so badly that it made her want to stop and rest but she knew she had to keep pushing through. Footsteps slammed on the ground behind her so hard she thought the ground would shatter. It was a intense run of the cat after the mouse which was cut short when she heard Nathan fall. 

Zara's point of view 

Nate fell and hit the ground making me stop in my tracks to help him up-I knew the risk of stopping but that didn't mean that I didn't hope that it wouldn't happen. They started circling around us cutting off any possible chance for us to escape. I should of knew that this day would come, packs gaining up against me-but why today? They stood as still as statues as I spun around trying to a find a way out. Panic starts to build up as one of the familiar Alpha's step through. He was the last one I helped. They were the ones who tried to trap me and I barely got out of it.

"Little red your time is up. Stop running. You're coming with me now." The Alpha spoke holding out his hand for me to take. "Please. Don't make this harder than it already has to be." The pain increased causing me to fall onto the ground, it was like sharp spikes went up my knee's through my body. I used the last of my strength to throw a shield up for safety. The shield threw them off guard as they took a few steps back. Stumbling back up, I tried to recover the already breaking shield by mustering up as much strength as possible but I'm just so weak. The Alpha who looked hesitant on what to do.

"We aren't going to hurt you, little red!" He shouted some how stepping through the shield causing black dots to form in my vision, sight dizziness as I suddenly bent over holding my stomach in pain.

"You're killing her!" Nate shouted as I finally lost all vision.

 "Just let us help you, please!" That was the last thing I heard before I past out but not before he caught me from hitting the snow as he pulled back my hood. 

Song: Unforgettable by Tomas Rhett

P.S. I do have a new description for this book :) you should check it out! I love the poem I came up with!

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