Every Decision Has A Consequence (Part 2)

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I watched as she took a step towards the right. I knew I couldn't stop her, I promise her that. My gaze was now focused on the rogue king. 

Zara's P.O.V.

I took a step right but I knew I didn't want to go. I knew my choice but I was too scared for anyone to know. I quickly got over it as I ran to the side I actually wanted. He wasn't paying attention as I crashed into him, hugging him, and finally choosing the right side. His arms quickly wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug. 

"I thought I didn't want to stay." He muttered, tears fell onto off my head. I looked up wiping any tears that seem to fall from his eyes. 

"No this is my home, I belong here." I spoke softly.

"You know I'm not going to let you go after this." I laughed softly at his comment but nodded. 

"Yes I know." 

"Little Red." The annoying voice called out once again. "Is this you're final decision?" 

"Wouldn't you like to know." I knew he had something up his sleeve, there was no doubt about that. The question was, how much damage was it going to be?

"You know little red, you think I can't hurt you but I can. Everyone has a weakness, that's something that everyone must know. It's about finding out what it is and using it against them." He took steps towards us. 

"Now you, you were hard. I can hurt you all I want but if I hurt someone that is close to you or better yet, someone you love." I was screwed, he knew it and was going to use against me. 

"Now that is how I will get a difference. Little red you're strong but will you be able to bounce back from this?" The rogue king questioned as he pulled something out of his coat. It didn't make sense until I saw it. 

"Now I'll give you another chance, come with me or die. Your decision." He threatened pointing the gun at me. In this moment it didn't scare me as much as it should of. The only worry was about the pack.

"Go ahead kill me, but I'm not going with you." 

"Okay fine. If you don't come with me, I'll kill him." He tried once again. The gun was now pointed at Axel. The fear actually rose this time, I let go of Axel and started walking towards the rogue king. Half way towards him, I was pulled back placed behind Axel.

"Over my dead body." Axel growled out as he loaded the gun, shrugging his shoulders. 

Third point of view 

The rogue king shrugged his shoulders. It didn't faze him, all of them could die but you kill the Alpha and take the Luna, the pack falls. That was the goal all along with the rogue king. He wanted the pack to fall and he was going to make it fall. Zara was pulled back out by pack members as the rogue king pulled the trigger. Zara through the shield up but it was too late, the bullet was already pasted that point. In fact Zara was pulled back by pack members, being placed in protection of her best friends arms. The rogue king once again loaded the gun but Zara was quicker throwing a cage like thing up, stopping him from doing any more damage. The Alpha now laid on the ground as they stopped the Luna from seeing anything that could possibly hurt her.  Zara felted the pain through the mate bond but seeing could hurt worse. 

"Please Nate." Zara sobbed. Nate acted instinct, letting her go. It wasn't going to help her, if Axel didn't make it. If this was Axel's last minutes it wasn't right to keep his mate from them. Zara ran through the crowd and to Axel, tears threaten to fall. Zara collapsed to the ground as she saw the scene. 

"No." Zara repeated over as she grabbed Axel's big hands placing them in her small ones. "You should of let me leave. We wouldn't of been in this situation. 

"Not in a million years." Axel choked out. Here he was dying, all because she didn't go with him. She put pressure on the wound, making sure it was strong and not weak. 

"Where is the pack doctor!" A voice shouted out as life left his eyes. 

"Luna I'm going to have to make you move so I can save his life." Zara looked up to the pack doctor. Tears made it hard to see but she moved, only because it depended on his life. She backed up a little giving some distance while he worked on saving his life. Zara shut her eyes as if she was shutting the world out. The pack fell silent as they listen to the person who was saving the Alpha's life. This left room for the rogue king to be heard.

"To hurt someone the deepest is to do something they won't forget." He spoke. Zara stood there, she didn't have any energy to fight back. Questions ran like race cars as memories flooded back, causing anger to finally steep through. 

"What did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much! Why can't I have piece? Why can't you leave me alone?" Zara shouted out many questions getting softer with each one. 

"You did nothing to me, I felt like it." The rogue king answered truthfully. Zara let out a emotionless laugh turning around. She noticed that indeed there was no one behind him. 

"In the end you have no one to stand by your side because of the way you treat them." Zara pointed out before a few members took him and placed him in the cells, away from their Luna. She turned around to face reality. 

~~Time skip~~

We were now sitting in the hospital, waiting of the news. It's been hours and yet nothing. They were working and that's what counted. 

"Zara." Nate spoke picking up her before placing her on his lap. "Sleep."

"But I can't. He's dying and it's my fault. What if I-" Zara started only to be cut off by his mom.

"Zara it's not your fault honey. The rogue king had a gun on him the whole time, he was planning on killing my son this whole time. You did nothing wrong in fact I'm glad you stayed. It means a lot to me to us. You need to get some rest, we will wake you once we get some news." Zara nodded unsure but trusted them. She slipped into a world where none of this ever happened. 

Song: Flashlight by Jessie J

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