Going Down

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"So wait you told me all of this and yet you are going through with the battle and you are hoping that I will just sit by and let all of this go down? Knowing for a fact that you are going to get hurt or worse die? Zara what got into your mind?" Nate questioned clearly not too happy with me right now. He was hurt and anyone can tell that. It was easy to see.

"Nate all I want to do is defeat the rogues and stop them from hurting any other kid out there. I don't have to have you understand this! Just support me, please!" He looked down at the table before knocking the plate off and onto the floor. 

"No, Zara. I don't understand this suicide mission. You're putting yourself in harms way just to stop other people? Why? You already stopped the first rogue king. What makes you think you have to take it on yourself to stop the other wanna be king?" Nate yelled locking eye contact with me and not backing down this time.

"It's not a suicide mission Nathan." I mumbled out knowing for a fact that he could hear me completely. 

"Then what is it, Zara? Cause it sure as heck sounds like a suicide mission to me." He stated slowly sitting down as his anger subsided. 

"I have to stop the rogue king like I stopped the first one. Do you not remember what it felt like to be on that cold dark floor for years? Only to be beat each and every day! It's painful and no one deserves that! Do you want another kid going through that like we did?" I questioned as my anger rose I can feel the ground shake just a hint as Nate grabbed the table.

"Your powers are growing." He pointed out. "You have to get them under control, Z." He spoke worried. 

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I shouted onto of my lungs before sitting down and mumbling a quick "I'm fine."

"No you aren't. Where is your mate? You met him." He questioned crossing his arms across his chest. 

"You act like I know what a mate is. Now I'm tried I'm going to bed and never tell a girl to calm down ever again. Unless you want to die then well-go ahead." I spoke slamming my hands the table walking up stairs to take a nap. The moment my head hit the bed, I fell into deep sleep. 



She slammed her hands on the table and walked upstairs to caught up on some sleep as I sat in the chair and didn't move for a good few moments-that was until a idea popped up in mind. I quietly walked up the stairs to check on her one last time before heading out the door and to the Alpha's and Luna's. She called me Nathan and that hasn't happened since the first time it happened. It felt like years ago but in all fair it wasn't that long ago. 

 It was scary. That was the only thing that I remember. I came a year ago and that's when I learned that I shouldn't ask for my mom and dad unless I wanted pain. That was the last thing I wanted but it didn't matter what I wanted. The basement door was slammed opened as loud footsteps followed after it. There was one of two things. They wanted to use their daily beating or my worst nightmare-

"Oh look Nathan. We got a new team mate for you." The leader laughed out. "It's a girl this time. I'm going to have so much fun listening to her screams and cries. She's going to be fun to break. Anyways fill her in on the rules when she wakes." He bossed around as they dropped her onto the ground hard making her let out a little cry in her sleep from it. They slammed the bars shut and made sure to lock them before walking away. 

"Please don't do this to her!" I shouted as they walked away. She was like six or seven. She can't make it through this like I could. They paused for a second and turned around for a second. 

"But then where is the fun in that?" They slammed the door so hard it woke up the little girl. She had the brightest midnight hair and her moonstone eyes seemed to glow and light up the room and her body was just too thin to take any of this going on down here. She seemed to back up into the bars once she saw me. 

"It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you little one, you can trust me." I spoke softly trying not to scare her any more then she already was. 

"Where are we?" She asked. Her accent was strong no doubt about that. 

"I don't know-but one day we will leave." I promised. She smiled a little.

"Pinky promise?" She walked over. She wasn't the tallest she was kind of short but it was cute. It reminded me of my sister. 

"Of course." 

"My name is Zara." She spoke.

"I'm Nathan." I added she laughed at me a little. 

"But I want to call you Nate not Nathan." 

"Okay you are the only person allowed to call me Nate." 

Flashback over

I didn't realize that I was close to the battle field until I heard shouting. They weren't very happy now that they could see me. One of the Alpha's started running after me and I didn't have time to move until I'm lying on the ground.

"Oh come on! I'm with Little Red!" That made everyone freeze as Alpha Axel turned back around.

"What do you know about her?" He questioned not even trying to hide the fact very well that he cares a lot about her.

"I know that she is the most important person on this planet to you because of reasons that include you being her mate. I know that she is going on a suicide mission because of this battle going on between packs and rogues. I know where she is and will kill me and she won't be very happy." I ranted on getting back up as the Alpha moved.

"Sorry I thought-"

"It's fine I'm on your guys side." 

"So what else do you know?" Axel questioned interested now.

"I know that your packs better take out that new wanna be king as soon as possible and you guys need to find out a way to keep her from fighting. I know that you Mr. Alpha need to somehow get your mate as soon as possible before there's nothing left of her." I finished as he stood there confused. 

"What do you mean by before there's nothing left of her? What is going on with my mate? Where is she? What's happening to her?" 

"Just what I said." 


"She's too weak and she needs to be with you, and she doesn't know what mates are." I explained staring at him.

"So?" His beta went on.

"She's slowly dying." 

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