We all have to do things that we don't like

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Waking up was different.....I felt different-better. I didn't really want to open my eyes but I knew I needed to especially after the events that happened yesterday. My eyes slowly opened as my hand shot up to block the lighting that came from the large window. I turned my back against the sun as I sat up slowly. The move movement caught my eye as I snapped my head towards it. Turns out it was a body mirror but what surprised me was the figure in the mirror. I look just a slight more alive than before. I was still pale but not as bad as before. I was skinnier than normal but that wasn't what worried me, my knife's were gone. That was something that made me panic but I knew they had them and I would get them one day, somehow-but my biggest concern was Nate. I had no clue if they had him or if he was able to get away but something told me to be careful about what I do in the next hour or so. It could mean life or death for me. Standing up I slowly made my way off the bed walking across the room. Putting my ear against the door I focus to see if I could hear anyone walking or standing outside the door only to be surprised when I figured out the door was unguarded and no scent was found other then Alpha Axel but his smell lingered-as if he was here a few hours ago. I had no clue how long I had been out for but I assume more then a few hours, maybe days. I carefully placed my hand on the door handle as if I would break it-turning it carefully I was surprised to see that it was indeed not locked. I loved the doors in this place, the ceilings were every high and the doors met the ceiling making the place look a place where kings and queen. It was pretty I can not lie about that but it wasn't my home. The only thing that I needed to do was find Nate and get out of here. I stepped out of the bedroom only to be met with a pretty big hallway with nobody in it. So this floor must just be for the Alpha or at least higher leveled people only so that was a bullet dodged-less chance of running into people now the bottom floors will be hard to get out of. I froze as two people started turning the corner, I had no time to think as I ran into a random room but listened as they passed by. I hoped that my scent would go unnoticed but I couldn't be so sure. 

"How is the Luna doing?" A girl questioned so there must of ran into each other standing pretty close to the door. 

"She looks like she is healing but she's still sleeping but at least she's safe from the outside world." Please I'm at least more safe in the 'outside world' then being here. 

"Well at least Axel is finally okay. For a while he was losing his mind. He wants his little red already. He still hasn't had a chance to tell her what he needs to tell her. That's the scary part of it all. What about the Rogue that was with her? The Nate guy." The girl questioned once again. Why is she so curious? 

"Well Alpha understands, Luna Red is healing and getting the needed rest that she needs. Nate actually went home. He and Alpha are on understanding terms. That is what makes it the best thing ever. Actually Nate plans on coming to the pack house today." One of the guys spoke, you could feel the weight if his body against the door signing that he was up against it. I backed up a few feet from the door to keep myself safe-but made sure my shoes didn't hit the ground too hard since I had high heel boots on. 

"Wait has anyone checked on Luna? You know my brother will kill you if his mate has one hair out of place on her head." The girl pointed out as I realized that the girl actually talking as Axel's sister that I had helped not too long ago. I wanted so badly to go out and see what she decided but I wasn't about to blow my cover. Let's just pray that she made the right decision. 

"No not really, but we should check before we end up dead." The other voice commented. I heard the door right next to open before a cuss word fell from his lips as the door slammed shut. 

"Alpha!" And that's my clue to leave. I raced across the room throwing open the window-not thinking and jumped out. It was about a good seven floors or so. The ground came fast as and I had little time to slow down my fall, I landed gracefully before taking off as fast as I could. Trying the hardest I could to get away from the pack that kidnapped me but hey at least my life didn't fall into the rogue king's hands. That is a nightmare I was not wanting to happen anytime soon and we don't know where he ran off too. I smelled the air as I made my path back to Nate's house. Which wasn't very hard since I been here before but my biggest worry was the pack finding me before I would have a chance to escape-but I was going in and going out-hoping Nate would understand. This was the last time I wanted to ever be near this pack ever again. As the house came into view I smiled brightly before running to the door-opening the door as I stepped in. I frowned at the information I would have to tell him. I hated that I had to but it was something that must be done. He walked into the living room, wanting to know who was in his house. His eyes landed on me and shock filled his eyes as a small smile replaced his frown. 

"Zara?" He questioned. 

"Nate, I have something to tell you and you aren't going to like it one bit."

Chapter 7: We all have to do things we don't want like

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