Set A Link

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I woke up frustrated in the hospital right next to Gunna's side. I could feel my heart breaking inside, I didn't get to spend enough time with my mother. Even though it was a dream, it felt so real. It was extremely vivid. It looked just like her, same voice, the same smile. Who was the girl Jasmine that she was referring to? I don't know a Jasmine. The man that opened the door, I was so curious as to who it was. If it was my father, why didn't he want to speak to me? Why wasn't I able to see him and only able to see my mother? I had so many questions.

A black leather jacket was wrapped around me that smelt just like Brandon, weed, and cologne. I knew for a fact it was him that covered me in it, I must've looked cold to him. I don't know why he'd leave his jacket with me as if we're going to see each other again.

I glanced over at Gunna as he was squirming, getting ready to awaken. He held the back of his head as he let out a soft grunt trying to sit up.

"Tyree? You okay?" I asked.

He looked over at me smiling. "Yeah, I'm alright. My head just hurts. Did they say I can leave today?" He asked.

"I know that you can leave today, but no one has come in yet. I just woke up myself. I have to call Erika and Tim."

"For what?!" He asked strangely.

"Well, I have to tell them what happened to you Gunna! And Ma! They're clueless right now." I explained.

"Well, I don't wanna be the one to break down the bad news to anyone so that's for you to tell them. I don't have time to be hearing motherfuckers crying and screaming, asking the Lord why. I'm good, I'm Gucci."

"Well my mother isn't good and Gucci is she? She's dead. So if motherfuckers wanna feel sad they can, especially if they actually cared for and loved my mother WHICH Erika and Tim did. So you can cry and scream on that. Why do you always have to act hardcore all your life?" I asked irritably.

"This isn't no motherfucking act this is me! You better act like you know!" He barked at me.

"You're as soft as banana fucking pudding you bastard. You can act like you so tough all you want like you weren't in your feelings finding my mother dead! You don't gotta care the same way that I do that's fine but don't get brand new like you're invincible out here now or something. Keep in mind you didn't even feel the bullet, pussy. Humble yourself!"

"Don't come at me now cause you're the one that's feeling bad! This is your fault in the fucking first place! Maybe if your ass wasn't so stupid after daddy died and ain't try to jump off the porch "Ms. Spoon-fed" Kim would be alive right now! So don't take your shit out on me, eat your own self-alive." He barked at me.

"That's not fair, Tyree. You know that's not fair." My voice began to crack. I couldn't believe my own brother would pull my cards like that. Exposing my demon that he knows emotionally haunts me.

"Yeah well, life ain't fair!" He responded. Tears slowly began to fall from my eyes. He looked over at me with his face frowned up, but I know he couldn't resist babying me up since he hurt my feelings. "Brooklyn, please don't cry I'm sorry." He said.

"Tyree you don't understand how much I need you right now. I'm sorry for what I said but please just don't treat her death like an oh well whatever thing, please! I don't have anyone anymore. She was all I had left Tyree I'm alone!" I broke down expressing my pain and explaining my loneliness. Gunna rose from the hospital bed, walking towards me reaching to grab and hold my hands.

"Brooklyn, you have me, alright? I'm always going to be here!" He explained.

"How can you possibly say that? Let's be realistic! They're either going to come for you or me! They got mama and daddy!"

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