You Have To Go

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Tears fell from my face as I tried to hold them back, but it wouldn't work. What if this was my last night living? Would it even be so bad? I could go be with my mother. Where I deserve to be. She didn't deserve to die like that this was all my fault. No matter if I wanted to admit it or not, if it wasn't for me killing Carlos, she would still be alive.

I began to breathe heavy and it was obvious because it became so loud. I was panicking and I couldn't tell myself to calm down.

"Brook, please be quiet." Gunna whispered to me.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. He held me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"It sounds like they went downstairs we're fine for now." He huffed and puffed with disappointment. "I'm sorry, Brooklyn. I really don't know what to do. It's nowhere for us to hide, they're going to search the whole house they'll find us." he explained. I looked around the room thinking of ways to help, there's no way it's not one way we can make it out of this situation.

"Gunna, the window.." I pointed to the window in my mother's bathroom.

"Where are we gonna go, Brooklyn?" Gunna whispered.

"You said your friend only lives a couple of blocks down we can go down there!"

"Are you crazy Brooklyn?!"

"The only other thing I can think of is the guns I have in my old room, under the mattress." I said. "It's no way we can leave out of this room without them hearing us, it's risky." I whispered.

"I like taking risks." Gunna explained. He turned the lock getting ready to unlock the door. "Go hide in the closet, now!"

"Please be careful." I explained. Even though he was literally going across the hall, anything could've happened. He tiptoed to the other side of the hallway quietly trying to sneak into my room without anyone hearing him. I shut my mother's bedroom door once I knew he was in my room safely. I fell to the ground holding my head. I've never been in a predicament where I didn't know what to do next. I stared intensely at the ceiling as if somehow the answers I needed were written there. All of a sudden, it hit me. "Mommy's car!" I cried out loud. "The keys! They're always in her bag!" I said to myself. I ran to the closet looking for her favorite MCM bag that I bought her last Christmas. After searching through the clothes and bags, I saw what I needed. I removed it from the closet and dumped out everything on the bed. The last thing that fell out of her bag, were the keys. I grabbed the keys getting ready to run out of the door with no hesitation, but then I heard gunshots. My heart literally froze for a second and my body stood still.

"Gunna?" I whispered, my voice began to crack. I reached for the doorknob, eyes closed, soul burning. The door bussed open and I fell to the floor, just to see Gunna in my view.

"Brooklyn, get up come on!" He rushed through the door before he closed it and locked it. He pushed my mother's dresser from the side of the wall and put it in front of the door just to hold off them niggas as long as he could. "We have to go out the window now!" I stood on my feet and got myself together.

"Did you kill him?" I asked.

"No, I just pistol whipped the nigga and the damn gun went off drawing attention." he responded. In his hand, he had a gun for me and a gun for him. He tossed me a Glock for me to use even though I'm not a fan of pocket guns, that's what I call them. Gunna was beginning to run towards the bathroom, but then I grabbed his arm. "I have Ma's car keys, but we have to go through the front door."

"Why can't we just leave out the window?!" he asked.

"There's a gate! We can just light them niggas up and get in the car!" I explained.

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