Take Care

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We were speeding through traffic, not really certain of where we were going to go next. Gunna's blood was all over me to the point it turned my pink hoodie to dark red. Confusion raced my brain, how come I never knew Carlos had a son? He never talked about him. How come my mother never mentioned he had a son before she died? Things weren't adding up, I couldn't understand.

Gunna screamed while laying in my lap holding the back of his head. You could look into his eyes and see that he was in excruciating pain. I rocked him back and forth the way a mother would do her child, just to give him some type of comfort for the pain I couldn't heal with my bare hands. Tears rolled down my face, as I was too caught up in the moment, I didn't realize everything that was happening around me.

"Look, mama, I don't know what happened but-"

"My name is Brooklyn so call me that, not that other shit!"

"Well look I ain't here for your smart mouth either I'm here to help my friend out! Where are we going? I can take him to a nearby hospital." he explained.

"A hospital?! We can't go to no fucking hospital we were in the middle of a fucking shootout!"

"Well, Ms. Brooklyn what do you think we're gonna do? Ride around the city til' he bleeds to fucking death?! I'm taking y'all to the hospital and that's that!" He yelled at me. My jaw dropped immediately, did this nigga just shut me down like that? No one has ever shut me down like that. The worst part about it is, I went like that and didn't say anything back. I didn't even know what to say, I was in complete silence.

"Okay... Well, what are we going to tell them when we get there?" I asked.

"I don't know. Just say y'all were chillin' on the porch and it was a drive-by!" He responded.

It sounds a lot easier than it really is. We can tell them a lie all we want, but what about my mother? We have to call someone to get the body! How would it look my brother getting shot at my mother's house around the same time we found her murdered in the kitchen? It all would sound like a bunch of bullshit.

"Brook, you got this. Just take me to the hospital, please." Gunna struggled to explain. It broke my heart to hear him even more.

"Okay just hurry up please!" I told the dude. Pablo's his name, right? He's really cute. Even though it's not the right time for me to pay attention to that, I couldn't help but notice.

We were ducking and dodging cars, saying fuck the red lights, just trying to get my baby to where he needs to be so he can be okay. I've grown to love my brother so much, it's hitting me that he really might be all I have left. I did all I could to keep my mother happy, to keep her right, to keep her safe. I kept her under wings when the world crashed down on her. I did all I could to make sure my daddy kept a smile on his face, to make sure he was proud of me. I did all I could for the both of them and both of them are gone. This is another type of hurt. All I have left is my brother and I refuse to let anyone on this Earth take him from me. Right hand on the bible, I'm gonna die bout mine, real shit.

"What hospital are we going to?" I asked Pablo.

"Frankford." He responded. I looked at the street we were on, then after a second, I noticed we weren't going in the direction of the hospital.

"Okay but we're on 2nd, the hospital is over there by 5th. So where the fuck are we going?"

"We gotta let go of the guns!"

"My brother is back here fucking dying and you're worried about some fucking guns?!" I questioned. Anger enraged me quickly.

"I'm not bout to drive around with these hot ass dogs my nigga! Gunna just got shot and you just fucking shot Junior! You think I'm bout to have this shit in my car? Fuck no! Like I said I'm dropping this shit off!" He explained. I shut my mouth and sat back. I let him do what he does because he did have a point, I just didn't like the way he got his point across. I don't know who the fuck he's talking to and getting smart with anyways!

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