Chapter 6 - Annabeth

Start from the beginning

"Duck!" Frank commanded in a powerful voice so much unlike his own, so much different from the quiet shy voice he normally used, that Annabeth's surprise made her obey. She crouched low, and heard a high whistling sound as Frank swept his spare gladius over her head in a massive sideways arch, destroying five of the demons in one colossal swing.

The remaining three charged, but Frank's back was turned from the force of his attack. Annabeth aided his down-turned guard. Parrying the strike of the first Nymph, she pushed him off his sea horse, and sliced her sword through the second. The third one dueled her for a moment, the pair exchanging thrusts and parries, but in the end Annabeth overtook him, running him through the middle, and exploding him into dust. Twisting sharply around, she brought the point of her blade straight into the heart of the first Nymph floundering in the water below her.

Within thirty seconds, their enemies had been defeated. Annabeth had no idea when and where she learned to get that good at sword play, but she couldn't complain.

Frank gave her a look of grudging approval. "Well fought. That was... amazing."

Annabeth blushed slightly. "Thanks Frank. Come one! We need to get to the flag."

They steered their hippocampi around, only to find their way hindered by a massive floating block of anchored wood. "What the...?" Annabeth faltered. "Wasn't the way over here?"

Frank turned, only to be suddenly halted, as a huge island slid sideways from the north side of the arena, coming to rest directly in front of the demigods, blocking their way.

Annabeth heard shouts of surprise coming from her friends in the distance. Obviously they were having the same troubles as her and Frank.

"Oh, did I forget to mention to you all...?" Ozzie's booming voice echoed from the stands. "The obstacles in this arena change positions every five minutes!" He beamed down at them, and the crowd went nuts, the noise deafening.

Annabeth scowled, getting over her shock quickly. "That actually doesn't surprise me he would do something like that. Frank, come on! Change of course. We've got only four minutes before those Nymphs are back in the game. This is an aquatic labyrinth!"

Frank nodded, shouldering his bow. He slid his gladius back into its scabbard, and gripped the reins of his hippocampus. "Which way then?!"

Annabeth thought furiously, her mind trying to recall everything that had just happened. The block of anchored wood lay just in front of them. Annabeth remembered seeing that block about twenty feet to the left of its original position, which meant the mobile island that had been about fifty feet in front of it would have no choice but to move forward, considering its neighboring beach lay near the west end of the arena.

Frank gripped his bow tightly, an arrow already knocked, looking around wildly, apparently hearing the yells of their friends as they battled the sea Nymphs. "Any time now, Annabeth!"

The other island that had originally been towards the north end of the arena had slid about fifty yards to block their way now. Annabeth estimated there was a clear path if they skirted quickly around the island, where the the mobile island had originally been. Now if they could just get there...

"Come on!" Annabeth yelled, yanking the reins to the left, turning her hippocampus a full 180 degrees, and galloping back the way they had come. Frank followed hard on her heels, not daring to question her. That was one of the many things Annabeth liked about Frank. He never started arguments, nor encouraged them. If he trusted someone with his heart, he would follow them till the end.

They raced down the path, turning sharply to the left where the island had come to rest. Sure enough, there was a clear way ahead, ending about twenty five yards where it turned right. "Hurry!" Annabeth cried. "We need to get as much distance as we can before the maze changes again!"

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