Chapter 19

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A/N: don't mind me, I'm just gonna heavily, re-update some of the other chapters and fix some spelling mistakes. I hope you like this!

I sat at the table in the Alpha's suite.
I had already hit my head on the table a couple of times out of sheer boredom. But also because I felt so flustered about the dick pic.
[its impressive] remarked Shane as he remembered Damian's hard member.
I shook my head. I don't know why I didn't expect this.

"Alpha Damian, please." I heard the voice of Joehn, but instead of Joehn's usual calm voice, he was loud and almost demanding.
"No, I'm not doing this" hissed back the voice of Damian. I heard quick steps approach the door and suddenly, the two important men barged through the door.

I felt a hand place on either shoulder.
"You like my present I sent you?" Cooed the voice of Damian as he leaned down to my ear. My face heated up.

"Alpha Damian." I turned to see Joehn standing in the doorway, his hair a tad messy. Damian sighed.
"I know you all think its whats best, but I don't know about that."

I feel confusion wash over me and I get up, placing my hand on Damian's shoulder.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
Damian's eyes slowly turn to me as if taking as much time as he can to avoid explaining. He hesitates, then sighs, then hesitates again.

"Taurus has contacted us." I raise an eyebrow and notice the slight frustrated look of Damian. "He invited the council and us to his pack." I paused. Alpha Taurus. The tall, handsome Alpha that wanted to take me from Damian.

"Its only right for us to accept,
Alpha" stated Joehn. Damian shook his head.
"He wanted Alec" mumbled Damian.

"You know it would be rude of us to not accept." Damian closed his frustrated eyes and drew in a deep breath.
"Fine. We'll go" he answered finally, yet reluctantly.
"Excellent. I'll contact Alpha Taurus immediately." With that, Joehn exited the room. I felt confused yet intrigued. Why did Taurus want to meet again?

"This should be fun" said Damian suddenly. He turned to me. "You get to see your beloved Taurus again. Maybe you can mark him too." I felt my face heat up.
"Where the hell did that come from?" I snapped.

"It's not exactly hard to tell when you're interested in someone, Alec." My jaw dropped.
"I have never been interested in him! You think I'm some slut? I'm a virgin! And its not my fault if you fail to introduce me as the Luna, Damian! Its not my fault that you haven't told the pack that I'm your mate! I don't want to ruin whatever plans you have by telling people that I am!"

"I have my reasons for not telling the pack" snapped Damian.
"Oh yeh, which reason?" I shot back. "Because I'm just that embarrassing or so you can fuck more women?" Damian's eyes narrowed.

"When have I ever treated you like an embarrassment? And sure, I've fucked a few people before I met you, but I would never cheat on you" he tilted his head, exposing my mark. "I let you do this to me. I let you claim me as your own." He grabbed me and pulled me forward, staring into my eyes. "I would never cheat on you."

I felt a sudden secure feeling rush through me despite the tense argument. His eyes stared into me with sincerity. His arms wrapped around me tightly and he rested his chin on top of my head. I suddenly felt Damian press his lower body to mine.
[yessssssssss] hissed Shane as he felt something hard press above my groin.

"Not the right time, Damian" I muttered.
"Sorry, can't control it." He dipped down to my neck and kissed gently. "I can't wait until I fuck you."
[Do it] howled Shane. I felt my face heat up again as Damian's kisses turned rough to the point where they would leave marks.

He walked me backwards until I felt myself hit the table. Damian pushed off a papers that were sitting there, scattering them relentlessly to the ground. He then lifted me onto the table, kissing me roughly. I couldn't help the warmth that pulsated over me. It felt like electricity and he paused, placing his forehead to mine.

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