Chapter 15

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That afternoon I marked Damian felt complete. Sort of. I wasn't marked, but he was. It felt good and almost made me feel dominant, despite his big structure and position in the pack. Hey, I take what I can get. And damn, I was getting a lot. Maybe to much. It made me feel guilty for having nothing to give him in return. I just wasn't ready yet.

Right now, I tiredly sat on Damian's lap at his desk. It had been quite a few hours and he didn't want to be away from me. He just needed that physical connection. That was normal for the first few days of being marked... or weeks? I wasn't sure about the timeline of things. He was going to stick to me like glue for a while and for some reason, I didn't mind. After all, it was just uncontrollable hormones and natural stuff- it wasn't his fault.

We sat in his chair as he worked on things and signed his approval onto the draft of the border patrol schedule. His left arm was around me, his hand lightly stroking me while he was thinking.

I had to admit, it was pretty boring, but I got a bit of attention. I also had the feeling that something was going to happen. There was going to be change in his behaviour, as long as I wasn't marked. I rested my head on him chest and listened to his heart beat. His scent filled my nose and I felt my body relax. And to think, only a while ago, I was running away from him.

I suddenly became confused as his scent changed. More manly. Shane jerked at the change and it sent a strange wave rushing through me. I couldn't really describe it and I slightly turned to look at Damian.

His eyes were dark and the pen was pressed to his lips. His eyes slowly trailed over me with a sort of lust, memorizing every part of me until his gaze met mine. Lust was written all over his face. I could feel him through his pants and I felt my face heat up a little bit. I couldn't believe, that a lil while ago, I didn't want this.

I looked back down at his work, unable to hold his intense gaze. I felt his lips press behind my ear instead and heard the sound of him setting his pen down. His arms snaked around me and I melted into him.

Yes, he was horny. Yes, he wanted me now. But he wouldn't do what he wanted to and I knew that. He knew my limits, since they were only set clearly about an hour ago.
His kisses on my neck strived with the idea for my attention. I turned my head to him and he captured my lips. I didn't want to admit it, but I was still getting the hang of kissing. But I still let him have that part of me. My lips were his.

Was this what it was going to be like now? I didn't mind it.
The door opened to the office and in came Delta Joehn and Beta Jason. I nearly had a heart attack when a growl ripped out of Damian, making his men stop in surprise.

I turned back to Damian. His eyes were still dark and possessive. His muscles were tense and his grip on me tight. It reminded me of a wolf guarding its food. But in this case, it was a wolf guarding its mate. It was a mood swing.

I turned to him fully, partly straddling him as I placed my hand on his chest. I buried my head into crook of his neck, pressing my forehead to his jaw submissively and affectionately, calming him down. I couldn't help feeling like a small child in front of these men. But I had to get past the embarrassment to calm him down.
"It's ok" I whispered to him.

"We're sorry, Alpha" apologized Joehn as he bowed. "We didn't mean to interrupt." Damian relaxed and leaned back a little with me.
"What is it?" Asked Damian. I tried getting up, but Damian refused to let go. I gave a huff at the fact that I was stuck like this in front of his men.
"More reports and things to approve of sir. Taurus sent you a letter as well."

Alpha Damian (boyxboy) !CANCELLED!Where stories live. Discover now