Chapter 4

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My cheek had stopped stinging. But I knew that I wasn't going to forgive Damian. Not easily, anyways. I sat at the bar, but I couldn't drink my problems away. I couldn't stop thinking of Damian.

I felt hurt. I tightened my grip on my bottle. I wasn't gay. Or was I? Not before and not now. It's not like I'd be useful to him. I couldn't carry pups. He hit me, what other message could it send? Whether he was angry or hurt, it still didn't give him the right to hit me.

I looked over to the doorway to suddenly see Lori and her friends walk in. I turned slowly, letting out a groan. I didn't want to deal with them right now, but like always, they found the most inconvenient time to pester me. I heard them walk over.
"Hey, Alley" giggled Lori. I rolled my eyes and turned.

"That's not my name" I said bluntly. Her friend, Rihanna, narrowed her eyes.
"You're already drinking? Maybe that's why your growth is so stunted." I glared at her, my drunk self and Shane not having enough patience for this conversation.
"Don't you have someone to bang right about now?" I hissed in hopes they'd leave.

"I would, but Alpha Damian's working right now" giggled Rihanna. I stood up quickly at the comment, making her stumble backwards. I was taken off guard and couldn't help the jealousy I felt that clashed with my upset feelings for Damian. I shook my head. I'm not gay.
"Hey! What's your deal?" Asked Lori, as her other friend, Emily, helped Rihanna gain her balance.

I felt almost a feeling of shame and I suddenly felt mixed up. I had to get out. I ran past the group of girls and down the hallway. What the hell was I thinking?
Screw this. It was getting dark when I quickly ran down the hallway. I would say Damian was going to be pissed, but that would mean he would have to care.

I stopped at the front door of the pack house and turned, letting my eyes linger on all of the people. I grew up with them. This was my pack. I couldn't help remember the time before Damian was alpha. I turned my away, feeling my heart sink at the memories. So much pain was caused.

But I couldn't do what Damian needed me to do. I couldn't be a luna, I was never strong. I wasn't his mate. I wouldn't be useful to him; I wouldn't be useful to anybody. I wasn't before and that wouldn't change. I looked away from the crowed of people. No one would care. They never have. I wasn't about to be abused by my mate like I had been by everyone else. There is no excuse for abusing your mate.

I walked out the front door and slammed it behind me. I tried running as fast as I could. The cool night air felt good against me and I could smell the dew on the wind and grass. The smell of the dark night as it was washed in the moonlight. It felt free. What would Damian's reaction be? I couldn't help but wonder.

[Go back! Go back!] Insisted Shane.
I shook my head.
"Why? So we could get hit again?" I hissed. "So that we can be useless and harassed?" I shut my eyes tightly. "So that we could mean nothing to them?" My voice was hoarse and desperate, remembering all of the beatings. Tears escaped from me, but rolled away quickly as if they hadn't been there at all.

Shane went quiet, starting to think. I opened my eyes and started to feel a little tired as I followed the moon lit path. Years of abuse and my mate just added to it.

"Come on Shane, shift" I said. He stayed silent as we shifted into our medium sized light brown wolf, breaking us through the tree line.

Alright, time to think. The south border patrol should be coming in soon, but if I go straight ahead, I should miss them by five minutes at the least. Damian probably wouldn't notice that I was gone until tomorrow.

But what was passed this border? I tried to think as I came closer to it. Dammit, I wish I would have paid more attention. I was sixty meters away from the border, and not slowing down.

What was it? I slammed through, a shiver running through me. I was in grey territory for a moment and then passed into full on pack territory. I suddenly picked up the scent of another wolf.

I didn't recognize it. Shit, what was I doing? Never trespass on other packs territory. I was suddenly pinned and I looked up to see a light grey snarling male and two others. The two on either side shifted and I recognized them immediately. Not good. I was in enemy territory.

The broad, light-charcoal wolf shifted and I recognized Alpha Bruno. He smoother back his light brown hair and stared at me with gray, serious eyes. We were in a clearing and I could tell others were probably in the bushes, lurking.
"Shift" he growled, his voice threatening. I did as was told and sat up, feeling a shiver run through me as the wind pushed against me now naked body.
"Who are you? Where are you from?" He growled.
"I-I'm Alec from the Dark Echo pack" I answered truthfully.

"Dark echo pack?" Asked the one to the right. "Lets kill him now."
Alpha Bruno shook his head and crouched closer. He started scenting me but stopped almost immediately, catching something strong. He looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"You smell strongly of Alpha Damian" he commented darkly. "Could you tell me why?"

I froze. If they knew who I was, I could get killed. Or possibly even sold.
"Doesn't everyone smell like their Alpha?" I asked stupidly. He stared at me fore a second, then got up from his crouching position, as if he was bored of hearing me talk. He motioned for me to stand and I did as told, feeling slightly insecure about my body being watched by so many people.

The huge alpha leaned to the man on his left.
"Bring him to the prison" he decided. I felt my eyes widen and my heart sink.
"No- no, wait!" They grabbed my arms and started dragging me. I felt panic build up, my eyes quickly flicking around my surroundings.

"Hey!" I started shouting and struggling.
"Shut up!" Yelled the left. One of them hit me over the head with something hard and I was knocked out.

I could hear the faint sound of dripping. It smelt terrible; of sweat, blood, sewer and something rotting. It was dark, but with a few dim lights. I was in bars; like a prison. That's exactly what it was. There was no window's and I knew that we were underground.

I could hear people talking and whispering morbidly. The scents and sounds were overwhelming. I probably would have thrown up if I had anything in my stomach.

All I had was a small ratty bed, a pitiful toilet and a cracked mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair. I was so stupid. What the hell was I thinking? Run off with no food, water or plans and it would magically be alright? I grabbed the bars with my hands and pressed my head against them. I was trapped down here till someone killed. I paused. Or until I killed myself.

I sat down on the bed, but immediately stood up. It was wet and stained; a fowl oder coming off if it.
[You should have stayed with Damian] said Shane.
[Oh yeah? And where is your precious Damian now, hm?] I asked. [He doesn't seem to care enough to not abuse us.]

[Because you said you didn't want him] Shane pointed out.
[How the fuck does that justify abuse? He doesn't care!] Shane whimpered, feeling stressed.

I buried my face into my hands. He didn't care. After what he did, it was obvious.

Alpha Damian (boyxboy) !CANCELLED!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin