Chapter Ten

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"Shaun!" I exclaimed, shocked.

He smirked and stood up to walk over to where we were standing. "Well if it isn't clumsy little Melissa."

"Um, I think Chelsea earned that title." Sophia piped in even though she probably had no idea what we we're talking about. "Anyway, who is this... a volunteer?"

"Volunteer?" He raised an eyebrow, "What exactly am I volunteering for?"

"Torture." I muttered, quiet enough that he wouldn't hear me.

He looked at me questioningly.

"Nothing.." I said innocently. Eager to change subjects, I asked, "What are you doing here."

He scoffed as if offended I didn't know why he was there. "Why am I invited to my own party?" He said in disbelief.

His own party?! This was his doing?!

"Your party?!" I asked shocked.

"Well, of course. I am Shaun Eastwood." He said smugly.


"SERIUOSLY?!" I screamed, gaining the attention of most of the people in the room.

He clamped his hand over my mouth and apologised to everyone before pulling Sophia and I out of the room.

"Calm down." He placed both hands on my shoulders looking concerned and a bit sad about my reaction.

He was probably used to people using him for his wealth. After all, he was the son of the third richest man in the world. His dad was even richer than mine; and that's saying a lot.

"Sorry." I apologised for my over the top reaction.

"Don't worry, I get that a lot." He forced a smile and sat down on a couch.

I looked around and realised we'd been pulled into what looked like a games room.

I smiled at our similar tastes but then looked back at the poor boy that looked almost defeated. I knew exactly how he felt.

I looked behind me to Sophia and widened my eyes as a silent way to tell her to leave.

She got the message, as she said, "I'm going to go find Annie," and left.

I sat down next to the sad boy and placed my hand over his.

He looked up, clearly taken aback by my motion.

I smiled at him in encouragement. If his parents were anything like Annie's, he probably wasn't used to people wanting to help him.

"I'm sorry I reacted that way. When I met you, you just seemed so casual, nothing like a rich kid. I'm sorry I over-reacted." I shook my head, disappointed with myself.

"Thanks, but it's not your fault. I'm just sick of people treating me differently because of my wealth." Shaun admitted.

I felt a grin cover my face as I thought of a plan. "Well from now on I'll treat you like everyone else. In fact, you're tonight's target."

"I don't like the sound of that." He visibly gulped.

I smirked evilly before standing to my feet and offering him a hand up.

He rolled his eyes and went to grab my hand but I pulled it away at the last second. "What?" He asked incredulous.

I shrugged, "I said I'd treat you like everyone else." I giggled a bit before abandoning him in the room.

"You'll pay for that!" I heard him call from behind me. I barely had time to turn around before I was thrown over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I protested, pounding my hands against his back, "Put. Me. Down!"

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