What's bothering him then?

"Yixing?" Junmyeon broke the long silence.
"Mmm?" Yixing said, finally looking into his lovers eyes.
"What's the matter?"

Damn, am I that obvious?

"Nothing sweetheart" he said while looking back at his menu. I probably should've looked at him while saying that.

"Right...I'm not buying that" Junmyeon raises a brow. "What's the matter?"

"I'm telling you Junmyeon, nothings wrong" Yixing reached over and rubbed the top of Junmyeon's hand.

Again, Junmyeon wasn't buying it.
So he tried to figure it out for himself...and he did.

"Yixing. I think I know what the problem is"

"I don't think so"

"Oh, so there was something wrong" he smirked.

Yixing shook his head, "nothing to tell"

"You've wanted to tell me something for a while now, but you're afraid I'll reject you. Is that it?"

Yixing was shocked at what he was hearing, did Junmyeon really just figure it out?



"You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

Yixing looked down at his menu again, without a word. The waitress then came for their orders.
Once she had finished, she hurried away. Leaving the couple to talk once again.

"Well, I'm not going to reject you"

"You're not?"

"Of course not!"

Yixing chuckled, "well that's a relief"

"I've seen you for who you really are. You wouldn't hurt a fly, Yixing. And...I love you. I couldn't reject you for something a minor as being a werewolf".

This made Yixing's evening ten times better.
'Luuuuuu" Sehun called from upstairs.
"What is it Hunnie?" Luhan sighed as soon as he entered the bedroom.

"I missed you" Sehun pouted

"I was downstairs the whole time!"

"It's cold down there"

"There are blankets!"

"Not warm enough"

Luhan sighed again. "You're a stray, and you're complaining that it's cold? Grow some fur and stop complaining"

Sehun huffed. When he saw Luhan walk out the room and heard him walk down the stairs, an idea came to mind.
He was a stray once...I've never seen him get his fangs and claws out. Not even to defend himself

I wonder what that looks like...

...I wonder

Sehun transformed into his full wolf form. His fur was golden and extremely soft. Without another thought, he ran down the stairs and pounced on top of a relaxing Luhan.

Luhan screamed at the sudden impact, and Sehun couldn't stop himself from laughing. But soon enough Luhan's eyes flared red and they stared sharply through Sehun. Red eyes? That's rare, Sehun thought.

"I grew some fur" Sehun said while staring at the man below him. Luhan growled, "I gathered, now get off me!"
"Not until you accept a play fight"

"Play fight? How old are you?"

"20 years young"

Luhan sighed. He was about to transform into a full wolf as well but Sehun turned back into a human. But his fangs and eyes were still in their wolf stage.

Luhan allowed his own fangs to grow. And Sehun was amazed at how pretty he looked at this stage. "Let's go" Sehun crouched. Luhan did the same thing.

It was like predator hunting prey, the two males crawled on all fours until the right moment to pounce.

Luhan was the first to pounce.

To be continued...

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