Chapter 21 - The A'maz'ing Ending

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Sorry I know it's terrible but eh.

Though Dying was nothing like I'd thought it'd be.

 I was able to see what was going on after my death, but I was invisible. But the blonde boy next to me was smiling at me. 

"Newt..." I whispered. I hugged him as we watched Thomas cry over our bodies. 

Brenda turned around the corner, shocked as to what just happened.

 Thomas stood up, grabbing the gun, and walking away.

 Brenda stood, sobbing quietly. And then something I never wanted to ever see. 

Frypan, Minho and Gally came running over. 

Minho, and Fry knelt down and shed many tears. I looked to Newt who was a little sad. 

"Minho, her hand." Minho looked into my hand that was supposebly empty and pulled out an actual list of the names from the glade. 

Blood was on it. Minho frowned at the names all crossed off including my own.

 He reached to my pocket pants and pulled out a letter for anyone to read.

'I don't know if anyone will read this, Anyone who reads this than I am most likely dead due to the virus inside my brain. Minho if you read this, first off, you're a shuck head, but seriously I'm sorry for not ever telling you about me being infected. It started on my left forearm. Day by day, month by month it slowly got worse and then... well here I am today, about to come get your ugly shuck face saved from those bastards we call WICKED. I know that today is my last day, or might be if I get lucky but if Newt does die, then know that my life will be taken too. Either from my own hands or someone else's. if Sonya's still alive, tell her that I am indeed dead. Comfort her, for your old buddy (Y/n). Get to the safe haven, live your fantastic lives there. I wish I would be there to see it but who knows, I may be watching from the Heavens.

Your old friend, Glader, (Y/n).'

I looked at Minho's face and watched a tear fall. 

I walked towards him and wiped his tear away. He looked confused but backed away. 

They left to head to their ship and so I went over to my body.

 I looked down as Newt placed his hand on my shoulder. He helped me up and I closed my black lifeless eyes.

 I went over to Newt's body and closed his eyes. 

I saw the ship fly towards the large tower on fire. I made us appear there and saw Teresa and Thomas on the floor of the roof. They were kissing. 

The ship arrived and I gasped. I looked at Newt. "Come on! Let's help him like he did us!" I yelled and he nodded, we ran to them and I helped Teresa carry him to the ship. They got closer and the building next to us was collapsing. I threw Thomas over and then I tried to help Teresa but I couldn't the building collapsed. 

"Newt, come on!" he jumped aboard the ship and we hugged, kissing. They went to work, bandaging Thomas as he passed out for what three days. We were at the safe Heaven.

 I watched as Minho put Newt's name up and Sonya put mine up. I watched Thomas read our letters and examine my necklace from Alby. I saw my name was placed next to Alby's and I smiled.

 "It's time, (Y/n)..." I nodded and walked towards the ocean. 

But before I left, I smirked, writing in the sand. 'We are forever watching over you all, -(Y/n)& Newt' I sighed as I watched Minho approach the writing. 

He read it and smiled. "Guys, come here!" everyone came over and circled around the writing. And where me and Newt stood in the sand. You could see our footprints. "(Y/n)? Newt?" Minho looked at us. 

I put a tick in the floor and everyone smiled sadly. 

"We have to go now." Newt said and surprisingly everyone heard him. 

"Newt? Is that you?" 

"You can hear me?" everyone cheered and I groaned. 

"Newt... we gotta go. We'll talk to you guys when we can." I said as Newt helped me up, we walked towards the ocean, aware of everyone watching our footprints appear. We went to the light and I gripped Newt's hand.

 We opened our eyes and I saw many boys and a single girl I thought I'd never see again... Alby, Ben, Winston, Adam, Clint, Jeff, Zart and many other boys, as well as... Teresa. 

Alby smiled at me and I ran to him, crying. He held me in the same hug for what seemed millions of years. 

I looked at Alby and smiled, pulling out my hand, I made my necklace he made appear and he smiled at it. I made my way talking with everyone until I made my way to a very familiar, Curly afro like hair, Chubby, short, pale.

 His clothes had blood near the neck bit where he was shot. It was Chuck... "Chuck..." I fell to my knees and he tackled me in a hug. 

"You don't know how much I missed you." He told me. And I smiled.

 "I probably missed you more. Do you guys want to head out to see the kids on the safe Haven tonight?" "(Y/n). It is night right now." I looked at George confused. 

"IS it?" everyone nodded including Newt and I frowned. 

"Why don't I get to know the time. Rude...." Everyone laughed and we all walked from the light to the darkness of the moonlight. As we walked through the ocean waters, our reflections were quite real like at night. We were all see through, like ghosts.

 "Teresa, come on." Teresa looked at me confused and I grabbed her by the hand. We rushed out of the water and went to where Thomas was sleeping. 

I smiled and walked away, leaving her alone with him. I went to Minho who had an eye open but I knew he was actually sleeping. 

"Minho, wake up." I told him and he did. He looked at me and gasped.

 "You're alive?" 

"No. I'm not. My time has passed Minho. Alby and all the guys we lost in the glade are here. Including Ben and Chuck. Wanna wake everyone up to see their friends?"

 "Sure." Whilst everyone was being awoken, I went to where all the guys were waiting, 

"ready to see your friends?" they all cheered and soon enough everyone was awake and gasping at everyone who was a ghost. 

"Chuck, go find Thomas, he'll be happy to see you." Chuck ran off to find Thomas and soon enough everyone decided to split up into their groups of friends.

 I sat with Newt under a tree and we kissed. "That's for being alive for that long." I then slapped his ghostly pale cheek and smirked. "And that's for not being alive." 

"Shouldn't I be in the same seat as you for your punishments." 

"Nope!" I said.

Terrible ending, I know but, hey it makes everyone happy, am I right? 

Thanks for reading Folks! BYeee~ :P

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