Chapter 15 - The Right Arm

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    "They've been planning this, for over a year now. This is all for us." 

"You guys are lucky, you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light. Where's Vince?" 

"Who's Vince?"

 "He's the one who decides if you get to stay."

 "I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an Army." 

"Yeah, we were... this is all that's left of us. A lot of good people died, to get us this far. Who are they?"

 "They're immunes. Caught 'em climbing up the mountain."

 "You check 'em?" "I know this guy, Aris and Sonya knows her, (Y/n). I trust them."

 "Well, I don't, check 'em." "Hey boss." Suddenly Brenda collapsed to the floor.


 Sonya pulled me away, "Did you know about her?" 

"No, I swear, I didn't." everyone was freaking about Brenda being infected. 

Suddenly a woman came and saved Brenda.

 She knew Thomas, because she worked at WICKED. 

He was their source of info.

 We sat on some rocks and Newt kissed me. 

I grabbed my necklace that had the tooth.

 Newt smiled at it. "Alby..." 

I nodded and that afternoon, we all talked.

 It was cold and so Newt warmed me up by cuddling with me. 

Little did we know, Teresa had called WICKED before Thomas had talked to her. 

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