Chapter 2 - The Glade

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 (Y/N)'s POV:

When I awoke, I didn't know anything. I looked around in the room that was ascending. The walls with small holes through them,holes that could fit two fingers. Next to me was a few barrels, with the initials W.C.K.D, a few cages covered by sheets.

 Inside the cages were boars and cows and other animals. I moved away slightly and hugged my legs. I thought about my memories but I couldn't remember anything at all. Suddenly the box jolted and I was thrown slightly, but I had caught myself from hitting anything.

 It slowed down and soon enough stopped. I looked up and saw the metal doors moving away, a boy with dark skin opened the gate doors. The light then decided to blur my vision and I raised my hand to my face rather quickly, covering my eyes from the bright sunlight.

 My vision came back to me and I looked up. He smiled at me, "Hey. Welcome to the glade." He offered a hand to me and I took it. He helped me out of the box and I smiled at him. I looked around and saw Ivy covered concrete walls that reached towards the sky.

 I saw the green leaves as they rustled by the wind, the grass dancing to the nice breeze. I saw the boy grabbing the supplies from the box and so I decided to help him, whilst we talked. "You remember anything? Your name? Your family? Where you come from? Anything?" "No. Do you-" "No, I don't, you'll get your name in a few days. My name's Alby, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Alby."

 I smiled at him; I followed him with the supplies to a hammock. I guessed it was his bed; he gave me a hammock to tie up for my bed. I tied it up and sat on it. Alby walked over and sighed, "I've been here a month, every two weeks; the box comes up with some supplies, every month, on the same day, at the same time as the last. This month was you,who knows maybe someone else'll show up. Come on, I'll get you some food."

 I walked with him to an area where he had food stocked. We ate after cooking it and we talked, messing around for a bit and I found out my name was (Y/n). We headed to bed and the next morning, Alby took me to a wall where his name was written in the stone. 

He gave the knife tome, "Put your name into the stone, and you'll become a Glader." I looked at him playfully, "Aw but I thought I was a Glader." He chuckled and I wrote my name into the stone, well more like carving my name into it.

 Day by Day, we got more and more things done. And eventually the months were flying by, bring more supplies and newbies that we liked to call Greenies.

 A boy, named Newt, dark blonde hair, brown eyes was placed into second in command along with me. Alby liked us two together anyway. Newt and I grew closer until one day, Newt couldn't handle anything. It was almost time for the doors to close and I stood outside the doors, waiting for Newt and Minho to come back from running out in the maze.

 I saw Minho carrying an unconscious Newt, who's leg was not right. "CLINT! JEFF!" I yelled, as hard as I could. I saw some boys approaching and said "One of you go get the med-jacks, NOW!" I commanded. One sprinted off.

 I turned to Minho and Newt. "What happened?!" "I found him on the floor like this, he was screaming in pain and was angry!" Minho and I carried him to where themed-jacks came running over. They saw his leg and immediately told us to take him inside. 

We did and we were told to leave. I went to my bed and kicked the wall. We had made a homestead for the keepers and people in charge, like me,Newt and Alby. I headed out of the homestead and saw that everyone was heading in to get some of Frypan's fresh dinner.

 I walked over and sat at the counter.One of his cooks had seen me and walked over to Frypan. "Frypan, she's here."Fry nodded and smiled at me, he walked over with two plates and a small paperbag, "Rumor gets round fast, give that to the poor shank." I nodded, "Thanks Fry."

 He nodded, saying 'you're welcome.' I grabbed the stuff and headed off to see Newt. When I arrived, Jeff opened the door for me; I walked in and saw Newt sleeping. I sighed, placing down the bag and the plate on the table next to him. I ate silently and when I was finished, I simply placed it on the floor.

 I moved some of the dirty blonde hair out of his closed eyes and kissed him on the cheek. I grabbed my stuff and left the things for him to eat and the bag. I took the plate to the cooks where they had some sloppers clean the plates.

 Aftera few minutes, a kid the age around 14 years old came running into the room,gasping for breath. "(Y/n), h-he's... awake." I grabbed my gear and ran to the room whereNewt was staying in until he wasn't hurt that much.

 I busted through the door and saw Newt sitting up, tears in his eyes as he talked with Clint. Clint turned around and saw me, eyes slightly widening with worry. I dropped my stuff and engulfed Newt into a hug, "Don't ever do that again... I'm here for you... you know that right?" he pulled away from my hug and once again, his brown eyes met my (E/C) ones.

 He nodded and went back into the hug. After a few minutes, which was actually seconds, I pulled away. I moved his hair out of his adorable face, and I kissed him on the lips. "You scared me to death... Newt..." he was shocked that I both cared and liked him more than a friend.

 I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Gally standing near the door. I glared at him."Go away, Gally." "No." I sighed, standing up and walking towards Gally, "Leave." Clint stepped forward and placed a hand on Gally's shoulder.

 "Come on,man. Let them have their moment." Gally sighed and they left the room but as Clint closed the door, I told him, "Thanks Clint." He nodded at me and closed the door fully; I went back to Newt, who was looking at the ground where I sat.

 I lifted his chin up to see me, his face full of guilt and sadness. He lifted his hand up towards my neck, then behind it, he started to push me towards his face. He kissed me back and after a while, we talked. 

He wanted me to move into his room because we were officially dating. But I liked my room. As I headed towards the door, I told him, "I'll bring you some food in the morning. Night." "Night, (Y/n/n)"

I smiled at the nickname as I closed the door, I went to my room and went to sleep. I awoke just as Breakfast was beginning. I headed to Frypan and he smiled at me, as his cooks went to serve the other gladers. Fry walked over to me with two plates for breakfast. "Thanks." 

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