And Thus I Finally Updated

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Recently, the entire diversity thing has gotten better.

Now that's wonderful.

But misrepresentation is a problem.

So we have a character who is....I don't know, Indian?

It's left at that.

But there's a problem there

Are they South Indian (like me aye)
North Indian?
Are they from Hyderabad? (Like me)

Are they from Karnataka?

Are they from Punjab?

I get that a lot of people who are born in raised outside of their "origin" point don't identify them selves with these titles.

Depending on their parents the culture is still present.

If the parents themselves are immigrants or something like that the kid is going to be raised with the traditions their parents grew up with.

You aren't going to see an Indian girl raised with the strict rules of Indian parents have sex at the age of 16.

It might happen, but that's kinda unlikely.


Don't do what I do though.

I'm literally teaching myself several languages for my stories

It ain't necessary but I'm ExTrA soooo

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