
Zelda averted her gaze back onto Link, tilting her head when she saw a light blush form on his face.

He continued. "But...it's alright." He glanced at her. "I mean, I have you to be there for me, and I've gotten closer to you faster than I have with Mipha. Maybe Mipha is just those friends you think you'll be with forever but it just...doesn't work out, y'know?"

Zelda felt a light blush grow as well, but she pushed past it. "Yeah...I know what you mean. But...honestly, Link—" she hesitated, but gave a small smile either way—"you're the first friend I've made...in person, to be clear."

Link was shocked. "Wh— really?!"

Zelda laughed lightly. "Yeah... I just...never really had, like...any...real friends." She chewed on her bottom lip, forming words. "And...I know we met not even a month ago 'n all, but...," she smiled sincerely, "I dearly hope we can be friends for as long as possible."

Link stared at Zelda just for a little, but a smile grew eventually. "Me too."

The two stared at each other again, the walk seeming to have stopped whilst they were conversing.

I feel it again... Zelda sucked in a subtle breath, chewing on her lip in thought. That...feeling—in my chest, it's right there.

Zelda shook her head and came back to her senses, smiling and nodding to the direction they were walking. "The way, Sir Link."

Link seemed to have gotten to his senses as well, for he widened his eyes a bit and sucked in a breath when Zelda spoke. "O-oh, yeah." He smiled, walking once again. "Follow my lead, your highness."

Zelda, once again, kept her mind on the feeling in her chest as she walked alongside Link.

I don't get it. I've read books before on romance and love, but I can't be sure if what I'm feeling is what I think it is whenever I stare at Link. Zelda side glanced at her friend, shaking her head to herself. I can't be...in love with him; we just met!

Besides..., she let her mind take over, we're just friends, and I've never really felt this way toward a person before. I'll just have to definitely ask Lana about this later.

"Hey," Link spoke, interrupting Zelda's train of thought. Zelda looked at him, having expected him to be looking at her but he was still looking ahead in their walk.

Lake had awaken by then, whining for a reason Zelda was unsure of; hunger, likely.

"Hm?" Zelda focused on Link.

"So...my aunt." Link nodded his head toward a house that was about five or so minutes away. "Beware, she's a bit on the teasing side."

Zelda smiled lightly. "I had a feeling she is, considering how she acted when I first...'met her'."

"Haha, yeah... But don't fret," Link smiled her way, "she'll love you."

Zelda felt warm hearing those words, she'd heard them once before but it still made her happy. "I hope."

Lake barked, whining louder. He placed his head on Link's shoulder and whined quieter.

"I think he's hungry, so I'll have my aunt give him something; meat or...whatever," shrugged Link.

"Ah, perfect." Zelda ruffled Lake's fur, eyeing him with a glint in her eyes. "Can I...hold him?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Link stopped walking and turned to face Zelda. "We're almost at my house, but I'll let you have your fun." He held Lake out and placed him in Zelda's awaiting arms.

Unexpected | Zelink (modern AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon