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And there she was again, saying goodbye to a person she would likely never see again. Zelda let out a sigh as she started walking away from the person she had been a random conversation with. It was someone named Fi, and they conversed about the former royalty of Hyrule, the two seeming to have the same interest. Additionally, Zelda had the name of the former princesses. This had evolved the small conversation into a bigger one, like if Zelda was in any way related to the royalty from back then; all Zelda had told her was that she was just a normal girl who so happened to have the name Zelda.

Honestly, Zelda wasn't even sure if she was once a princess of the old age. The monarchy had ended over five centuries before.

She always avoided telling people she was the daughter of the richest man in Hyrule, even living in a mansion full of maids and servants, because she feared they would all only want to try and befriend her for the money her family had. So as a cover-up, she'd say she was just a junior who went to Hyrule High, studying in science and living on Hylia street, with most of the Hylians.

In actuality, though, she did live on Hylia street, but in the humongous home people would call a "mansion", overlooking almost all the houses on the slight slope of the mountain with that big gate for an entrance. The truth of her school life was that she was studying in science as an 11th grader, but the only problem was that she was homeschooled.

Also, if it weren't obvious by now, the reason people weren't all over Zelda was that people did not know who she was. Everyone knew her dad, Rhoam, had a daughter, but they didn't know who she was, per se. All people knew was how she looked as a newborn; her name and current appearance were unknown.

It was like that because her father cared about her and wanted to protect her the best he could.

When she had turned 10 years old, he'd even asked her if she wanted to be publicly known. She simply declined because she wanted to experience life as an average girl without having people come up to her for being one of the most well-known people in Hyrule. She'd seen people go up to her father, which is why she hadn't seen him go out very often. It was usually the servants or maids doing what he needed from the outside because people didn't know the maids or servants.

Zelda had a light smile on her face as she strolled through Hyrule's central park, one of more popular parks in Hyrule. She glanced around as she took notice of the children, the families eating and having a small picnic out in the open near the benches close to the hoard of trees, the couples walking around and conversing as they held hands, obviously deeply in love...

Sigh... Zelda shook her head and started making her way toward the Fairy Fountain. Love...such a foreign word and feeling. Since Zelda did not really make friends from the outside, she'd never really felt something so deep for anyone; it all had just come out to being acquaintances or strangers all over again.

She shook her head again, trying to get those thoughts out of her head, and spotted the fountain. She basically bounded over to it, walking up the steps of pedals and looking into the pond of water. The reason this little pond of water was called the "fairy fountain" was because it was said that long ago there was once a fairy named Cotera in this very fountain--one of the few fountains left--helping the ancient Hero of the Wild, the Hylian champion of Hyrule, who came to her and fulfilled any wish he asked for... But, that was only just a saying, a rumor she couldn't help but want to believe was true.

Just like any other fountain, people throw a green rupee in and make a wish. But for the fairy fountains it is said that every wish positively comes true. Zelda grinned and pulled out a single rupee, closing her eyes and holding the rupee close to her. She wasn't going to take any chances, so she took her few seconds of silence to herself to make her wish. Afterwards opened her eyes and tossed the rupee into the pond, watching it descend down into the bottom of the water.

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