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By the time Zelda had gotten home it was already 8:00 at night, most of the workers already having been asleep by then. Her father was more than awake, his bills and paperwork being worked on for his online job which was where he advertised for big companies.

"Hi there, sweetie. How was your day today?" Rhoam asked before he placed down the papers he had in his hands on his desk his oversized office.

Zelda shifted on her feet as she placed her hands behind her back. "Well, it was a very nice one. I always love the days when you actually let me go outside, Father."

Rhoam grunted in response and stared at her, which made her uneasy. "Why were you home later than usual?"

"Well, Father, if i recall, I believe you said on school nights I am to be home by nine at the max; eleven on the days where there's no school the next day. I'm here and it's eight, yes?"

" I've mentioned, you're here later than usual. Yes, I've given you a curfew but you usually come an hour, or so, before."

Zelda bit her lip. Maybe it wouldn't hurt telling him slightly the truth...right? "I know it's later than usual, but I decided to explore a little bit farther out."

"Oh really now? How far did you go?" Her father's gaze was getting more tense, and it made Zelda want to just go to her room.

Remember, slightly the truth. "Well, up to Tarrey Town; people there were more than just polite to me. And I even had the experience of being able to see Gorons in person! That was very worth it."

"I suppose that's really fascinating, much more to you." Her father smiled, finally, as his eyes grew softer. "Did you see how bulky they were?"

Zelda nodded excitedly and her excitement gone up as her father joined in on her excitement in his own way.

He chuckled a bit after he saw how joyous his daughter had gotten about the different race, so he let her have her moment to herself.

"Yes! It was amazing! They were children, I believe, but it was absolutely amazing seeing them in person!"

"Indeed it is." Rhoam seemed to hesitate after the few moments of silence, but he still asked his question. "Did you happen to meet anyone?"

Cue Zelda's groan. "Father, you always ask me this when I go out!" To be truthful, it started to annoy Zelda whenever her father asked where she's gone and who she's met. Couldn't he just leave her alone about what she's doing?

Rhoam sighed. "Zelda, you know it's because I car-"

"Then if it's because you care, what does me meeting anyone have to do with anything?! If I got kidnapped, then oh well! No one even knows I'm your daughter and everyone here in Hyrule is nice and has been nice! What's the point of not even giving me a phone if you're that worried about who I hang out with or what I'm doing every single hour?!"

"Zelda, I don't understand why this is such a problem now-"

She interrupted him, once again. "It's always been a problem! I've just never said anything to you about it because I thought you would one day just zip it and stop asking about my personal life. I'm almost eighteen, Father! Did that ever occur to you? Or were you just too busy 'protecting' me from pretty much nothing?!"

Her father let out a stressed sigh and rubbed his face with his hand. "Zelda, honey, I really just want to know what's going on to know if who you're with isn't going to do anything bad..."

"Father, you don't even know the people I'm with! Do you really want to know who I was with so badly?!"

The man nodded.

Unexpected | Zelink (modern AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum