11; E X P L A I N!

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ok, so I have this dance at my school coming up. and it's like a formal lmao. I'm going for this whole 1950s look also, I'm gonna ask someone to dance so hopefully they say yes or ill die because feelings are no fun. anyways enjoy this chapter!! sorry, it takes me so long to update!!


"Um.. about a week now? not long." Max said immediately after hearing the question and Richie nodded with a smile. 

Eddie smiled back and began asking more questions clearly trying to get something out of them and it made Richie smile every time he noticed Eddie get jealous. 

"So are you two ready for prom? Richie have you prom - posed yet?" Eddie asked with a grin as he started to notice Richie sweat and his smile falter. 

"um... n-no not yet... heh heh... um..."

"Well, you two are going to prom. right?" Eddie asked with a shit eating grin


"Yes, Eddie we have it all figured out. Who are you going to prom with?" Max asked in a semi-snooty way in an effort to get Eddie off of their case.

"HAH! No, you seriously think someone would ask me? Or I would ask someone? Hell no, and even if I did the only person I like wouldn't go with me." Eddie said as he sat back in his chair and sighed

"Who do you like?" Max said with a puzzled look on her face

"sorry but that's classified. I'll see you two later!" Eddie said with a smile as he got up from the lunch table and walked out of the cafeteria. 

"Eddie is gay right?" Max asked Richie who had his arm around Max. 

"flaming," Richie said with a smirk. He noticed the losers we're looking at him and Max every so often so he decided now would be as good a time as ever for a first kiss. 

Max giggled at Richie's comment about Eddie so he smiled and planted a kiss on her lips. It was a soft quick kiss and it left Max speechless, to say the least.

 "I better get going princess, I'll see you after school?" Richie said with a wink after he left and bolted to the library where he knew Eddie would be.  

Richie had a free period with Eddie for an hour and then the 2 of them had biology together. 

He found Eddie in a small nook in the library between the shelves and dropped his book bag and popped a squat next to Eddie. Eddie had earbuds in and was working on math homework. Richie pulled out one of his earbuds and Eddie looked up and their eyes locked. 

"what do you want trash mouth?" Eddie said angrily he was clearly annoyed and Richie had no idea why. It was because Eddie was getting sick of this relationship and it was really starting to get to him. 

"I just wanted to talk... you seem annoyed all the time," Richie said looking down as Eddie looked at Richie. 

"you on your man period or something?" Richie said as he looked back up and punched Eddie's arm.  Eddie rubbed his arm and rolled his eyes. 

"I guess so yeah... Now can I finish my homework?" 

Richie nodded and the 2 finished their homework and went off to their next class. Math. Richie had math with Eddie and Eddie always had to help Richie with the problems because "he didn't get them" when in reality he just wanted to talk to Eddie. 

Math class dragged on forever when Richie proposed an idea 

"Psst hey Eds."

"What do you want Tozier?"

"Why don't you come with the losers and me to this party," Richie said as he held up his phone with a picture of a date, time, and address for a party on Friday. Eddie gulped and wasn't sure but he nodded anyway and agreed. 

"Why don't you try and find a date?" Richie asked

"Because finding a date is harder than you think and there aren't many gay guys." Eddie replied 

"alright well I guess I'll see you on Friday... Dateless..."

Eddie rolled his eyes and decided he should try and find a date since Richie didn't have feelings for him he should try and get over him. 

Math class dragged on for a solid hour and then the bell rang. The losers all met up outside and began talking about the party Eddie barely talked he was too focused on glaring at Max. Bev was clearly annoyed about Max too she knew Richie didn't actually like Max and she was not happy about it. 

"Hey, Richie are you giving Max a ride home? I kind of need one if you aren't" Bev chimed in disrupting Richie's conversation with Max. 

"Um no, yeah sure hop in," Richie said as he walked to his truck. 

"see ya guys!" Bev said as she walked to the truck. 

The truck got started up and Bev just stared at Richie until he noticed. 

"What." Richie asked

"what do you mean what? yOU DON'T ACTUALLY THINK I BUY THE WHOLE MAX THING DO YOU?" Bev yelled

, "what are you talking about?" Richie asked

"You. And. Max. It's fucking fake and you know it. why the hell are you doing this."

"Bev, listen. It's to see if Eddie has feelings for me if it makes him jealous than maybe he likes me."

"you've got to be kidding me. aRE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! YOU'RE IN A FAKE RELATIONSHIP."

"Bev please stop yelling or I'm going to crash."

"fine, but, Richie are you serious? this is not ok. Fake relationships can hurt the people that get into them and those around you. This may make Eddie jealous but it could seriously hurt him and make him hate you, in the end, you don't want that do you? What if Max catches feelings for you and you have to break her heart? and what if she ends up falling for you and she goes after Eddie and tries to hurt him? Richie so many things could go wrong."

Bev finished with a sigh and Richie was left speechless. 

"I'll break up with her before the party."


oof new chapter after 6 years lmao. Sorry bros but I have had so much homework, and my school dance is coming up, and Dance Team is exhausting omG. SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM HIGHSCHOOL (but aye it's better than middle school) Sophmore year may kill me. And Junior year is worse so I'm finna die. 

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