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"Oh yeah? well, I hope you choke on a raZOR BLADE ASSHAT!!" those we're Eddies last words to Richie. It all happened over the summer,  the losers' club was the closest it had ever been. They all were invited to a party for seniors (they were all juniors at the time) and they were all excited. 

When they arrived at the party they all talked and danced and hung out then Eddie started to drink and truth be told, he didn't know it was alcohol.  "what's in this stuff anyway?" Eddie asked softly as the tall boy in front of him with greased back brown hair pushed a red cup into his hand. "pure fuel." he said with a chuckle. 

Eddie's vision started to blur and before he knew it he was piss drunk. Richie was seriously concerned. "Eds are you sure you're ok? you should go home or come home with me at least."  Richie said while scratching the back of his neck. "nO! I'm having fuuuun!!" Eddie whined. "oh! oh! look! look! they're playing spin the bottle!!" Richie looked over at the kids playing and watched as 2 girls stumbled out of the closet with their arms entangled. They both had bright red faces and everyone around them were making "OOOOHH" noises. 

" alrighty Eds but let's not get out of hand ok? don't do anything stupid." Richie cooed as the two of them sat down joining the circle. "I know. I know. now cmon! let's have fun." But what Eddie didn't know is that this whole fiasco would be fun at first and then be absolute hell. 

"why don't you go Eds."  one of the jocks teased, he quickly stopped once he saw Richie's glare burning holes into his skin. It wasn't like he was trying to be overprotective he just was. Eddie let his fingers snake around the bottle and then he gave it a spin low and behold it landed. as it came to a stop Richie couldn't even comprehend who it landed on. Stanley mother fucking Uris. 

Richie felt like tearing the house apart and Bill who sat next to Stan felt the exact same way. 'fuck' Richie whispered under his breath. Richie then watched as Eddie grabbed stan by the wrist and dragged him into that damned closet. Richie could hear Eddie and Stan bump into the door and he heard Eddie's heavy breathing. the door opened and the two fell to the ground with Eddie's legs wrapped around Stan's waist. 

"f-f-fuck yuh-you sta-stan!" Bill yelled as he stormed out the door, Stan quickly chased after him. Richie could barely breathe his lungs were going to collapse his blood boiled what the hell was he feeling. "goddamnit Eddie." he hissed "w-what-what did I do? R-Richie?" Richie turned himself around and stared at Eddie tears coating the bottom of his eyes. He looked into Eddies brown eyes and then looked at his lips. Those contaminated toxic lips that Richie wanted to kiss oh so badly. fuck he could look at those lips all day. Richie broke the silence that the two held and spoke very few cold words "You want a ride or not." Richie said harshly he didn't miss a beat. "y-yes. Rich-" Eddie pleaded but was cut off "get in the fucking car." 

Richie turned around and walked out of that cursed house. the house his heart broke into a million pieces. that cursed place where his glass doll eyes had to witness his first love come out of a closet covered in kisses from someone else's lips. It. should. have. been. me. that's all that was on his mind until he snapped back into reality hearing a car door shut. 

"Richie, what's wrong? I ju-" "yoU DON'T EVEN CARE DO YOU." Richie cut Eddie off with his shrill screams of pure and enraged anger. "Richie you need to explain whats wro-" "EDDIE, YOU DON'T CARE. YOU WALTZ INTO A PARTY AS AN INNOCENT BABY AND YOU MAKE OUT WITH STANLEY MOTHERFUKING URIS." Richie caught himself he almost told Eddie why it irked him so much 'Eddie I'm in love with you.' "IT'S NOT OKAY BECAUSE STAN LOVES BILL THEY'RE DATING AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU TEAR THEM APART," Richie yelled. his yells pierced the cold December air and Eddie sat there hearing it all. "ok I'm sorry I'll talk to Bill. you don't have to yell." Eddie said softly "Eddie, you still shouldn't have done it. what if you lose a friendship with this shit."Richie said, "I can handle it trash mouth." Eddie said back with anger laced with his tone.

And that's when things got heated and Richie let things go too far. "and lay off the alcohol lightweight." he teased. Eddie was still drunk and he let his emotions fly. "stop teasing me so much. I don't like it." "you know you love it eds." he purred. "no I fucking don't stop it, Richie." Eddie hissed out. "fine then. why don't you go find Stan and get a ride with him if you hate me so much? I was getting sick of taking care of you anyways." Richie was starting to raise his voice and it made Eddie even worse. "Fuck you, Tozier." "fUCK YOU KASPBRAK!!!" Richie was screaming Eddie made him so mad sometimes. "Oh yeah? well, I hope you choke on a raZOR BLADE ASSHAT!!" Eddie screamed closing the car door behind him and Richie started the car and drove as fast as he could away from that damned house. 

Richie got home and turned on the shower he stood in there and let the hot water hit his back and roll down his pale sore body. He loved Eddie. He really did and how they got into a huge fight, a fight that would keep them from being friends for what Richie felt was going to be forever. 

After that summer, school started and Eddie was fucking popular and Richie was with the losers. They all seemed to hate Eddie except for Richie who just wanted to apologize to everyone for the monster he created named Eddie. Eddie may be gay but he had girls throwing themselves at him and he dated a few because if you're gonna be popular, you better be straight.  

"Ready for school, Richie?"

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