We should talk | chapter 6

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Being dragged to the clubhouse was not how Penny had planned her day going, mostly because she saw ninety percent of it being in bed the other ten percent being going to get food and the bathroom.

So here she was, sat at the bar cringing at the memories of the last time she was here, plus making a note to never touch tequila again, we all know she wouldn't stick to it.

Walking around she found some ladders climbing up she found her self on the roof of the clubhouse, deciding she preferred it up here than down there where she's reminded off where she first met her biological father if only she knew that it would mess up her plans she might have just left it and tried just forging it.

Plugging her headphones in to drown out the outside world she leaned back and just listened to her music.


After being sat there for quite a while she's startled when she feels a hand on her shoulder 
"Shit!" getting ready to scream at the person she gapes when she realises it's Jax

"Hey" he nods

"Hi" she replies could this be anymore awkward

"How are you" it's got more awkward

"I'm fine how are you"

"I'm good, I wanted to talk, I think we should clear the air" oh it's getting worse

"Ok so talk"  lets see what's he got to say

"Right, let's start from the beginning, I met your mother when I had just turned seventeen, I was on a break with Tara, I was drunk we had sex once because that's all it takes apparently, she never came by again, never told me she was pregnant, until 8 months later I get a phone call telling me I had a daughter, I told them I didn't want you and I assumed Stacey was gonna stick around"

Trying to blink about tears at the words I didn't want you she takes a deep breath,
"Did you ever at one point think about me? Because do you know how much it sucks to know that you didn't want me at all, I mean shit even she at least wanted me at one point, you couldn't even come down to sign forms! Did you know they had to delay my surgeries on my heart because I had no one to sign for me, they had to wait for the social workers and let me tell you they're not the best in this town!" By this point she had tears streaming down her face bet I look real attractive

"Look at it from my point of view I was seventeen, no older than you really, I was a kid. Whether you believe me or not I did think about you, I also wondered what your name was as well, and what last name she gave you, look I know how Gemma works if she gets it her way you're never leaving us but I'm guessing from the way you barged in here you had a plan and Gemma messed it up"

"My full name is Penelope Hart, no middle names or whatever she filled out my birth certificate that's how I knew you were biological father, she only ran when she found out I had the heart problem, she never came back or contacted me after that, that I know off anyways. Guess she turned to drugs sometime after that because she was apparently clean while being pregnant with me, honestly my plan was get emancipated, graduate school, get a scholarship and get out of this god forsaken town now it's just bide my time here, and the rest of the plan is the same, but at the end of the day I'm leaving this town"

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