Oh shit | Chapter 12

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It had been a few weeks since Penny's little light headed incident and was being watched more constantly by Gemma and also both Jax and Tara.

School had started back up and Penny had talked to her guidance councillor and due to her high grades and GPA she was eligible for early graduation in a few months which she was ecstatic about, although college is not something she was really aiming for she still did want to finish high school.


She was coming up to twelve weeks along, and was still able to hide the bump under her baggy clothes, although her breasts would not stop growing they had gone from a B to a noticeable D which Tig had ever so gratefully and happily pointed out while staring, earning a glare from Jax and a slap to the back of the head by Gemma.

It was a Wednesday and she was sat in the clubhouse doing her homework as she did most days after school when she heard loud shouting from 'church'.

They had come out whooping and hollering, as Tig came down and sat next to her, she asked what had happened

"We got a new prospect!" Tig answered

"Who is it?"

"Opie's son Kenny, chibs is sponsoring him"

Nodding she continued her homework until Gemma pulled her aside and told she was going to the grocery store and she needed her to come with.


They were driving on the way to the grocery store as Gemma pulled out a cigarette, looked at Penny realised what she was doing and put it back

"So did you hear who the new prospect was?" Gemma asked slyly looking at her out of the corner of her eye

"Yeah, Tig said it was Kenny, apparently chibs is sponsoring him"

"Yeah well that means we're having a special party on Friday, more people from different charters are going to be there"

"Ahh well I might just skip it, I can't really do much at the party, which reminds me I have my twelve week scan on the Friday" taking a deep breath she looked at Gemma "do you wanna like come with me? Please"

"No can do baby girl, I'm making you come you need to socialise! And yeah I would like that"

"I do to socialise!" Penny scoffed

"Course you do" Gemma rolled her eyes

After buying enough alcohol to sink a battleship they made their way back to the clubhouse


Helping Gemma carry the bags into clubhouse Penny wasn't paying much attention to where she was walking and bumped into someone luckily she didn't drop the alcohol

"Oh god, I'm so sor- she cut herself off when she realised it was Kenny "sorry I wasn't watching wear I was going"

"It's fine" Kenny replied "should you be carrying that" he asked as he gestured to the bag in her hands

"Yeah it's fine, I'm good plus it's not that heavy, but I hear congratulations are in order"

"Yeah I'm finally a prospect" awkwardly adding "so how are you and you know?"

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