You already knew |Chapter 1

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Penny took one look at the sign Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair and sighed, but she had come to far now to turn back now

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Penny took one look at the sign Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair and sighed, but she had come to far now to turn back now. Plucking up the all the courage she had she walked into the garage, and knocking on a office door, a woman opening the door took one look and rolled her eyes,

"which one did you sleep with?"

Staring wide eyed at the woman Penny replied bluntly "no one I'm only 16, listen I'm looking for Jax Teller a chief Unser said he would be here and I really need to see him like now".

Gemma narrowing her eyes looked her up and down before replying "follow me" before stalking off further into the garage with Penny hot on her heels, walking towards a group of guys Gemma proceeded to shout


Jax not being in the mood to deal with his mothers shit just rolled his eyes at her "nothing ma, who's the girl?"

Jax not being in the mood to deal with his mothers shit just rolled his eyes at her "nothing ma, who's the girl?"

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Gemma looking at the girl as if to say 'well go on!' Caused the girl to clear her thrust,

"I'm the kid you didn't want 16 years ago, and don't look so shocked I read the report in my file they rang you and said you didn't care what happened but you didn't want me so now you're going to sign these forms to release your parental rights that you failed to sign the first place ".

Gemma on the other hand proceeded to slap her son on the back of the head while proceeding to mutter profanities at him, after calming down and Jax had regained composure looked at her,

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Gemma on the other hand proceeded to slap her son on the back of the head while proceeding to mutter profanities at him, after calming down and Jax had regained composure looked at her,

"come again?"

Penny rolling her eyes just looked at him and began to explain "you and a Stacey Hart had unprotected sex about seventeen years ago which nine months later resulted in me, is that simple enough for you?, now I need you to sign this form letting go of your 'parental rights' so I can get emancipated which means no longer in the foster care system, did you get that?"

"fuck! How did you end up in the foster system, where's Stacey?"

"She took of from the hospital after she gave birth she didn't want a baby with a heart condition you'd know that if you listened to the doctor before you hung up telling them you didn't care, and now well she's dead overdosed five years ago according to police reports"

"ok so you were left in the hospital, why weren't you adopted ain't babies like the first to be adopted" Jax questioned the blonde girl that was currently stood in front of him.

"Like I said I was born with a heart defect called congenital heart defect" the family flaw Gemma muttered "anyways no one wants a kid that was most likely going to spend the first year of their life in a hospital having surgeries, anyways back to topic can you just sign these goddamn papers and I will be on my way thank you very much!" Penny exclaimed.

"Now you hold on one minute little girl how do we know you ain't bullshitting us!?" Gemma questioned narrowing her eyes once more at the girl who was currently stood in front of the whole MC.

Penny rolling eyes reached into her backpack pulling out a piece of paper and shoving it a Gemma "there's your proof in black and white right on my birth certificate and didn't I mention he already knew!?"

"Actually, I would like to know o son of mine where you get off not telling me you had a kid, I don't know about sixteen years ago!?" Gemma responded her burning holes into Jax.

"Come on ma, I was seventeen I thought it was a joke one of the guys were playing, me and Stacey had sex once how was I supposed to know she was pregnant she never mentioned it once!" sighing he turned to look at Penny "look give me the paper and a pen and I'll sign whatever you need"

Grabbing the papers and the pen from her bag she handed them over "thanks" she muttered.

"Yeah well, here you go" he responded handing the papers back to penny, with a small awkward wave she turned to leave just as Kenny, Opie and Donna's seventeen year old son walked in stopping in his tracks as he sees her,

"Well well well, look who it is the stuck up bitch of high school"

Rolling her eyes "well well well look who it is the man slut of high school, what are you even doing here I thought only men were allowed here and not little boys"

Raising his eyebrows "see that man" he said pointing to Opie "that's my dad, you might want to remember that next time"

"Yeah well as invigorating as this has been, I have things to do so bye" walking off mumbling prick as she walked past whilst he simultaneously muttered bitch at her.

As she left Opie looked towards his son asking how he knew the girl.

"We go to school together same grade and some same classes, she pretty much a bitch though doesn't socialise with that many people, she's smart but knows it. People talk about her though, turned up once with a black eye rumour was she was getting knocked around at her foster home, broke the guys nose who asked her to his face, what the hell was she doing here?"

Looking towards his son Opie sighed "she's apparently Jax's kid wanted some forms for emancipation" Kenny nodded in understanding once Opie finished

Jax sighing, "right everyone back to work!" walking off as everyone else dispersed to do whatever the were doing before all this drama happened.

Well everyone but Gemma as the matriarch stood there contemplating what had just happened, she had a granddaughter shit had another grandkid! Family was always the one thing Gemma was proud of but also in charge off, family came first and this girl was family whether she liked it or not, but Gemma knew she would have to tread lightly with this.

Looking down at the piece of paper in her hands which clearly stated the date of penny's emancipation date, Gemma smiled to herself walking to her office and plan forming in her head

Oh Penny, you have no idea who you're related to, but you will soon find out.

Words: 1,071

First chapter let me know what you think!
Also if anyone knows how to make a half decent cover or if any lovely people would like to make me one let me know! 😊😊

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