CHAPTER SIXTEEN - The secret stalker.

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-- POV Leo Valdez --

C H A P T E R 16

After the ride, Nico told me he was no longer afraid of rollercoaster. I smile at that thought, because now I will bring him more often at amusement parks...

We decided to eat ice-cream again before we go back to school. Jason must be very worried, like the overprotective friend he is. Octavian probably didn't notice that Nico and I were gone...


Nico and I arrived at school. I don't want this week-end to end. I want it to last forever...

I open our room's door and I see Octavian, still on his phone. Why the hell is he always on his phone? He surely has something to hide. Well, that is interesting...

"Hey, Octy," I say joyfully.

"Hi..." The blonde-haired boy replies in an almost inaudible voice.

I kiss Nico slightly and I tell him that I have to go to the bathroom. He smiles and I suddenly hear an involuntary squeal. It is coming from...Octavian.

"MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" He shouts, getting out of his bed. He rapidly puts his hands on his mouth, his blue eyes huge with shock. He blushes and run out of the room, leaving me and Nico alone. I am perplexed.

"Why is he talking about boats?" Nico asks, amused.

"Do you even Internet?!" I yell, referring to one of my favorite Youtubers. I explain what 'shipping' is to Leo and he looked at me with confusion. He is probably wondering why Octavian used this kind of words to describe us.

I notice that he didn't take his phone with him. I smile naughtily. That is a great opportunity...

I walk towards Octavian's bed and take his phone. It's still open so I don't need to enter a code. I laugh nonchalantly. I am finally going to discover his secret!

"Hey, Nico, come here. I will finally see what Octavian is doing secretly on his phone..."

"Uh, I don't think he is going to be happy about it."

"Who cares? He doesn't have to know..." I answer, smiling slightly.

I look at his picture, expecting to find photos of Rachel or teddy bears on sale, but I put my hand on my mouth and throw the phone away. WHAT. DID. I. JUST. SAW ?!

"Leo? Are you okay?" Nico asks, trying to reach the phone.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" I shout, pushing the phone away again.

Nico rolls his beautiful eyes and grab it. He clicks on the pictures to see them clearly and his eyes grow wider. He opens his mouth but he says nothing. I am extremely shocked right now. How can Octavian do that to us?

I am going to say something when the blonde-haired boy walks into the room, trying to be silent. We obviously notice him and start to scream things at him.

"Guys, guys I can explain!"

"Oh, really? Well, do it right now!" Nico retorts.

In Octavian's phone, we saw pictures of us. Yes, of us. Not just of us doing random things, oh no: pictures of me and Nico at our first "date", of our first kiss in the lockers, of us holding hands, and also...a video of Nico and I signing a Frozen song. Was Octavian spying on us the whole time? Maybe he installed camera in the dormitory? He is such a freak.

"I'm not a stalker, I swear..." Octavian begins shyly.

"Don't lie! I even saw really...hum-hum, weird-- if I could say that -- fanart of Leo and me! What are you trying to do?" Nico asked dryly.

The skinny boy was sweating and blushing. He didn't know what to do.

"YOU LOOKED AT MY PHONE?!" He screamed.

"Uh, yeah...Sorry, we didn't know that you had freaking fanart of us in it!" I answer.

"That's because I ship you guys! Leico is my OTP! Gay ships are yay ships!" Octavian finally snaps, throwing is arms in the air with exasperation. "I ship you since I first saw you! That is my secret! I put cameras everywhere so I can fangirl over my OTP whenever I want. I even wrote a smutty fanfiction about you. Ah, it feels so good to let it all go!"

Nico and I exchanged an amused look. We knew what to do. I wasn't even angry at Octavian, because what can I say...Nico and I are such a cute couple! Everybody loves Valdangelo. The Italian and I started singing, at Octavian's surprise:

"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore! And here you ship, and here you'll ship, let the gays rage on...the butts never bothered me anywayyyy!"

We just burst out laughing. Octavian is still standing at the same place, looking really confused. Maybe he is just too happy because his OTP sang him a song...

"Oh my goooood!" He finally squeals. "I have to write that on my blogggg!"

And he runs out. Well, that was really weird...

I look at Nico. "Did he forget his phone again?" I murmur.

"I think he did..."

"Reading time! Go to sleep, I'll read you a bedtime story." I smile and chuckle. Let's see Octavian's fanfictions...

It is named "The Gay Party - a Valdangelo fanfic"

"Once upon a time, a beautiful Italian named Nico di Angelo, the king of ghosts, decided that he had enough of his boring life. So he called his servant and asked him to make him laugh. The servant's name was Leo Valdez. He was a handsome boy with brown curly hair and deep brown eyes that melted Nico's heart. The king talked to his servant every day, not because he was capricious, but because he liked to see the beautiful boy's smile..."

"Anwww, I ship it!" Nico says.

"Nico, you know that this fanfiction, is about us, right?"

"Uh, yeah...You can continue."

" 'What should I do for my birthday?' The Italian asked to his servant. 'What about...a gay party?' He answered. 'That is I great idea! Do you want to start it now?' Nico said sensually," I continued.

"Sensually? Is he serious?" Nico exclaims, crossing his arms.

"Yes, and uh...the next part is too mature for your young, innocent hears, my dear Nico," I declare, putting the phone away and kissing his forehead. Octavian really has a twisted mind...I didn't imagine him as a stalker. He surprised me. I'm not sure if I should be scared or glad that someone ships us...Maybe a little bit of both.



Sorry I didn't update in...forever! I have a lot of things going on in my life and my exams are coming...ARGH I hate school!

I wanted this chapter to be more awkward know...frickle fracklish but I didn't write it like that because maybe some of my readers are young and easily offended, I don't know!

By the way, thanks to my bro and mental twin @TWMariana101 for the inspiration about Octavian's secret OTP xD


I will try to update more often...sorry again! xxx I love you, thanks for the +4k!

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