CHAPTER SIX - Romantic night.

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-- Nico di Angelo POV --

C H A P T E R 6

I don't know what's happening. My heart is beating so fast I feel like my chest is going to explode. I don't want to like boys. I want to be a normal and heterosexual teenager. People are finally starting to accept me; I don't want them to reject me again. I'm scared.

When Leo hugged me, I didn't want to push him. I wanted him to come closer. That's why I'm so scared and confused. A normal boy doesn't like to hug another boy, but at the same time, I liked it.

Maybe I'm bisexual, like Leo, but I never liked a girl before. Teens at my age already had a crush on a dozen of girls...I think.

Right now, I'm just resting on my bed, my eyes closed. Leo is in the shower and Octavian is still with his cell phone. Is he smiling? That'd be a miracle. Still, that's not of my business.

I hear the noise of a closing door. Leo just got out of the shower. I'm not sure if I want to talk to him or not. Maybe he'll help me get over my confusion and my fear of the other's opinion.

I open my eyes and I see Leo, shirtless. Oh my God. I have butterflies in my stomach. That is definitely not usual. I'm questioning myself again. What. Is. Happening.

"Nico, are you okay? You look like you're going to throw up," Leo laughs.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I look at him. His curly brown hair is still wet and he's now wearing a simple white shirt and black pants. He's grinning at me. His deep brown eyes are shining mischievously and it makes me question about his intentions. What is he planning?

"Put on your coat. We're going somewhere," Leo says happily.

I tell him to wait a minute and take my black coat. I put it on and walk towards the brown-haired boy. He takes my arm and put a on my eyes so I don't see where were going. I'm a little nervous.

"Where are we going?" I ask, perfectly knowing that my friend won't answer my question.

"It's a surprise!"

I sigh. I don't like surprise, because sometime they're a bit disappointing and you have to pretend you're happy and grateful. But I don't think Leo will disappoint me.

After approximately five minutes of walking, Leo opens a door and the cold hair make me shiver unexpectedly. The Hispanic guides me outside and close the door. I can't wait to remove that stupid scarf from my eyes.

"We're here!" Leo exclaims. "You can remove the scarf."

I remove it and I gasp of surprise. We are on the roof of the school, about 15 meters high. The view in incredible; we can see the whole city from here, with the lights on for the night. The moon and the stars are shining bright.

"Leo...this is amazing," I whisper.

"I know. I wanted you to see the view at night," he says softly.

I look at him in the eyes. He's slightly smiling and I realize that he was already staring at me for almost two minutes. I blush and look away.

"Thanks for the surprise," I thank him.

"You're welcome, Nico."

Leo slides his hand in mine.

Mine is bitterly cold and his, warm and comforting. I want to remove my hand, but I just can't. My hand in his fits perfectly; it just feels right. Holding hands with Leo makes me melt inside. It'd be so wrong if I removed my hand.

I just press my fingers on his hand harder, to show him that I accept it. I can see him smiling. I didn't realize it but I'm smiling, too.

I don't know how much time we stay here, holding hands, looking at the beautiful view. I don't even feel the cold anymore. I want to freeze this moment and live it forever. Sadly, it's impossible.

About ten minutes later, I finally let go of Leo's hand. We quit the school's roof and walk silently to our dorm room. I open the door and the first thing I see is Jason looking very concerned.

"Leo, Nico! Where were you? It's almost 23 PM!" The blonde guy says, worry in voice.

"Calm down, Jason. We were just walking around. Stop acting like our dad," Leo chuckles.

Jason looks a little offended, but when he sees that Leo is laughing, he starts laughing too.

"Sorry, it's my mother hen side that emerges," he apologizes.

I smile at him and say that it's okay. I'm glad to see that Jason is overprotective, because it means that he truly care about us. Knowing that someone in this world is worried about me when I'm gone makes me happy.

I'm going in the shower. I need time to think about what happened in the last few days. Ever since I met Leo, everything started changing. I found him attractive, and I never found someone attractive before. He hugged me and I didn't repel him. He also held my hands and I liked it.

I enter the shower and I wash my black hair, still thinking. I do something very cheesy: I wonder about what I'm feeling deep in my heart, not in my brain.

I have a crush on Leo.

Yes, that is definitely the answer. I have to accept that me, Nico di Angelo, I have a crush on a guy. It'll take time, but I'm sure that I'm going to be okay with it someday.

I go out of the shower and put a towel over my body. I shake my head to make my hair dries. Finally, I put on my pyjama; a simple black shirt and a green short.

I open the bathroom's door and I realize that everyone is already asleep. I try to make no noise and I slide into my bed. I close my eyes and I hear someone say:

"Hey, do you want to come into my bed? I'm cold."

Of course, it's Leo. He's obviously joking. I smile and turn my head to look at him.

"Sorry, but I'm definitely not going to sleep with you," I say with a grin.

Leo laughs lightly.

"The cold never bothered me anyway," he sings, raising his shoulders in a gesture of feigned indifference. He's quoting the Disney movie Frozen...again.


Wow! I got like more than 70 reads in one day yesterday! :o Thanks a lot for all the support and the lovely comments. I love you. I hope you'll like the next chapters. Let me know if you want me to write something specific in my next chapters (it can be anything; a Percabeth apparition, a Frazel moment, or something completely different) in the comments. xxx

Valdangelo/Leico - Let It GoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora