CHAPTER TEN - Unexpected visit.

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-- Leo Valdez POV --

C H A P T E R 1 0

This morning, I wake up in Nico’s arms. Can I say that it is the best thing ever?

I feel very bad about him being ashamed. I truly hate his parents. I want to find them, and then burn them with the powers of Leo Valdez. Yes, that’s definitely a good plan.

I want to stay curled up in Nico’s arms forever, but unfortunately, I can’t. He opens his deep black eyes. He rubs them and yawns. Nico’s so cute when he’s sleepy.

“Leo? What are you…oh yeah, I remember now,” he murmurs sleepily.

“You were too scared of the ghosts,” I tease him and he gives me a grin.

“If you tell this to anybody, I swear I’ll…”

I laugh lightly. What is he going to do about it?

“You’ll what?” I say.

“I’ll never watch movies with you again!” Nico declares. He knows that now, I won’t tell anybody that he’s afraid of ghosts.

Yes, Nico di Angelo, the guy who looks himself looks like a ghost is afraid of spirits.

Nico’s phone starts to ring. I smile because his ringtone is “Hear Me” by Imagine Dragons. It’s one of my favorite songs, too.

“Can nobody hear me? I’ve got a lot that’s on my mind; I cannot breathe, can you…”

“Hi?” Nico says, answering his phone. When he hears the voice of the person that called him, his face turns white; if that’s even possible. He opens his eyes very wide and he looks like he’s going to pass out.

I think the voice is a man’s. It is a low voice, harsh and without any kindness.

“Dad?” The Italian asks, whiter than ever.

I stare at him with my mouth open. I was just thinking about him! I move towards Nico’s phone so I can hear everything Nico’s dad is saying.

“Nico, it’s your mom’s anniversary today. I want you to come home this week-end.”

He said it like that, without preamble, with an authoritarian voice. Poor Nico; this man really sounds like a horrible father. My own father isn’t home often, but when he is, he’s very funny and he always hugs me and says that he’s sorry for not being here. I came out to my parents easily. They’re very open-minded. I’m sad for Nico…

“Hum, okay Dad…” Nico responds.

“You can bring a friend…or a girlfriend?” His dad proposes.

“Uh, I can bring my good friend, Leo,” Nico says, hesitating.

“Sure. I’ll be here in one hour,” the man declares dryly.

He hangs up. Wow, his dad is a really weird guy. Nico is still white, but he starts to breathe normally again.

“Your dad is crazy.”

“I know,” Nico replies. “Now, prepare your stuff.”

I smile. I’m going into Nico’s house…*internal wink*


Twenty minutes later, we’re ready to quit the dormitory. Nico writes a note to Jason because he will get worried if he comes back and sees that we’re gone. Yes, Jason Grace is very protective.

Someone knocks at the door. “Oh, no! I thought he was just arriving in one hour!”

I open the door and it’s…Octavian. He’s looking at us weirdly, and so are we. We sigh of relief.

“Why are you staring at me?” He asks us.

“Because you’re beautiful,” I reply naturally. Yes, I just finished The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. And for your information, I cried…a lot.

“What the hell?” He groans. “Just get out of my way,” Octavian snaps, pushing me with his shoulder to get to his bed.

“Octy, are you okay?” I ask him with a smirk.

“Shut up and stop calling me Octy; I’m completely fine.” He’s obviously lying, but I look away and fix my eyes on Nico.

His eyes are so beautiful. They’re looking at nothing in particular, and they give the impression of being infinite, like there is no end to their blackness. I found myself staring at him in admiration.

His perfect white skin, his tiny and cold lips, his longs eyelashes, his black and shiny hair, his big and stunning eyes…everything in him seems perfect. I don’t know how it is possible for him to still be single. Someone needs to change that *winks internally again*.

Someone opens the door without knocking and it makes me jump a little. I look up and catch my breath.

A very tall and severe-looking man is standing there, glancing at us. He has short, black hair and a two-day beard. His skin is so white that it is almost green. His gaze is firm, strong and powerful. I’m kind of scared.

“You’re probably Leo,” he says.

The man doesn’t do anything. No hand-shaking, no smiling, not even a kind look: nothing.

“Leo that is my dad, Hades. Dad, that’s Leo, my boy…best friend,” Nico declares, and I almost choke at the last word. He almost called me his boyfriend, and then he called me his best friend.

Hades is a good name for Nico’s father. He really looks like how I imagined the god of Death.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I give him my hand for a hand-shake.

When Nico said the word friend, his dad suddenly became more attentive.

“Hi, Leo. I’m so glad that your Nico’s friend. You’re his first best friend ever.”

Well, that’s humiliating. Nico’s blushing and smiling slightly, but he still looks very angry.

“Not my first best friend, Dad. You don’t remember Elias?” Nico retorts dryly.

“That stupid gay doesn’t count,” Hades tells him with a disgusted look.

What did he just say? That stupid gay? I want to slap him. I almost do it but I see Nico’s face. He looks hurt and sad, almost like he’s going to break down and cry. I wonder who this “Elias” is.

“Come on, boys. We’re going to be late for Maria’s birthday.”


Sorry, crappy chapter. The next one will be better and longer, I promise. Leo’s going into the di Angelo’s house…;) And you’ll learn who Elias is at the end of the next chapter. Love you all! xxx

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