I..like you too..but..

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Zala POV
HE KISSED ME! Is this real? I can still feel his soft, warm lips on mine. I got goosebumps all over my body. Good thing he was holding my face, because my knees got weak and I would fall on the ground for sure.

He stopped. He was still inches away from my face.

We looked in each others eyes. "I'm sorry..I just couldn't hold it in anymore."  Our forheads touched. I was still in shock. I just couldn't speak. "Say something please.." he wispered. He sounded affraid and nervous.

"I..I think I like you too." I replied. With a sad weak smile. But this can get out of hand real fast. My brain started working again and with that came about a milion scenarios how this can all go bad and down the drain.

"Then why the sad face?" He sounded confused. He stepped a little back and looked at me like he was searching for something in my eyes. Reasurance.

"I just.. I really like you. Not like a fan,  but also as a person. You really are great, but I just.. we got to think this trough.." I kinda lowered my look. I was scared of those deep eyes of his and how they looked my way.

He came close and put one hand arround my waist and the oher on my cheek and lifted my gaze. "What is there to think about? I like you, I want to get to know you better, I want you to be mine and I want to be yours." He leaned in for another kiss. I stopped him with my hand on his lips.

"You do realise that you are not just Kim Namjoon. You are freakin RM of BTS! And you are on vacation. In a foregin country. Tomorrow afternoon you leave! How is this going to work? Are you even aloud to date? Do you know how many miles will separate us? Plus you have to concentrate on your work. I don't want to be a burden to you or a distraction and.."

He shut me up. Whit his lips! This time his tounge got some action too. I failed to stop him. The kiss took me out of rational space. The kiss was desperate. Passionate. Full of his emotions thowards me. I put my hands arround his neck and return the kiss. He lifted me up so I was now siting on his lap.

Good thing it was late at night. Because if someone saw this public display of affection..not good.

We stoped for some air. Heavy breathing filled the summer air. "I just don't want to get hurt. Because I don't think I would be able to handle it." My voice broke a little at saying that. I let myself go too fast. We were touching forheads agains.

"I get it I really do. I will never ever hurt you. Please understand that. We can date, but not public until we are sure how to present it to fans. You know there is some who understand and are happy for us but there is also the ones who don't. We will figure everything out ok? As for the distance. We will just have to make this long distance work. And when we will get time off I can come here. You can save up money and come to Korea like you always wanted. We can do this. Trust me please that we can! Please baby.." he hold me tight in a hug.


I held her tight in my arms. I could feel her warmth. We will make this work Zala trust me please. My heart wil explode if you turn me down. I never felt like this about anyone.

She cut loose from my hug. Still siting on my lap. She looked me in the eyes. She took her hand to my cheeks.

"Ok..I trust you.." and then she kissed me and held me tight.

I did it. This beautiful girl is mine. She really is mine. I can't believe it. I stood up with here in my arms and twireld arround so happy.

"Yaa Namjoon! I'm dizzy. Stop!" She laughed. That beatiful smile of hers...

"I can't help it. You just made me the happiest man in the world babe." I let her down. And held her hand tight. "This feels right. You can feel it too don't you?" She nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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