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Zala POV
I notice he was kinda looking at me. I snapped my fingers infront of his face. "Yaa wake up!"
He shakes his head. "I'm up. I'm here. I was just lost in thought for a moment. Sorry."

"It's getting late. We should meet your parents now, like we agreed." He helped me get up from the ground and we walked side by side in silence to were we were meeting his parents.

It wasn't one of those akward silences. It was feeling just right. I still couldn't believe that I met him. I still thought I would woke up and be dissapointed. That it was all just a dream. Up close like this he is even more beautiful then on screen or in pictures. His deep eyes, the dimples smile, his thick lips..

DAMN ZALA WAKE UP! You are atracted to him. But let's be real. He is a superstar. He just cares about you because your a fan. He is just being polite. If doesn't mean anything.

We met up with the parents. They had a lovely time walking and couldn't praise enough the beautiful scenery. We took the local bus back to the agency. They are going to go to the spa next day so they won't be needing me. "Thank you young lady for taking good care of us and our son. We had a lovely time." His mom said bowing. "O it was my pleasure. Thank you for choosing our agency." I bowed. They turned arround and started walking.

Namjoon tuged me by my sleeve on the side. "So can I call you tomorrow? I don't want to go to the spa. And I don't want to be alone. You are really fun to be arround. Can we do something together?" Does he look kinda nervous and shy asking me that? No. It's probably just my imagination

I was looking her straight in the eye. My hands were kinda sweaty. Damn calm down dude. She will see you're nervous. It's not a date. It's just hanging out.

"Am..sure we can meet here and I will talk to Max on what other things we can see a.." I cut her off: "No wait..I was meaning not as your job but if you are free tomorrow, to just hang you know. Show me what you can do for fun here."

She looked flustered. Shit. Shit shit. She doesn't want to hang out.

"Oh..sure that would be great" her eyes brightened up and she smiled widely. My heart started beating heavy again. Once that smile was out I was done. This is probably it. I never remember feeling this way. My heart beating this way when I looked at anyone. I think I do like you Zala. But should I let you know? I don't know if you would feel the same way..

Zala POV
He looked happy when I said yes. But then he was kinda lost in thought again. What is he thinking? I was internaly screaming. Is this a date? No wait don't get ahead of yourself. It's just a hangout. This is casual.  Like with Max. Friends. A guy friend. Another one. That's also cool.

I can just like you from a far. Wait?! Did I just think that out loud? I guess it's true. This whole day while we were talking about everything and anything and I got to know you better I really like you. Not as RM the superstar rapper and leader of BTS who I always tought is hot and amazing but as Kim Namjoon. The person.

I got sad really fast. We all know this is just something I have to keep to myself.
He noticed my sadness. "Hey are you ok? Is there something wrong?" He looked worried.
I put out a fake smile and shook my head. "No everything is fine. I have to go home now. See you tomorrow. We can meet up here since you know where it is. I will plan the whole day out so it will be fun ok?"

"Sure I can't wait." He vawed to me and tourn arround to leave. So did I. A tear slipped down my cheek as I was heading back home. Why? Why do I like you. My feelings will be unrequited. I just have to make tomorrow great for me never to forget it and for you yo enjoy it. Then we will probably never see each other in person again. I will just be left as a memory to you. Maybe after a few years not even that anymore. I will slowly fade away. And you to me will always stay..

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