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Harry's Point of View (POV): 

     I look at my watch and tap my foot impatiently, Louis was surely taking his damn time. I sigh and make my way upstairs to the bathroom. I shiver as it was eerily quiet. 

     "Lou, are you almost done?" I ask knocking on the door. I wait for a sassy response but there isn't one. My heart begins to race. "Louis. This isn't funny, answer me!" I say trying to open the door, to my's unlocked. I opened the door slowly only to see a horrific scene of my boyfriend on the ground...not breathing. 

     "Is everything okay up there?" Liam calls out as I rush over to Louis's body. 

     "No!" I scream tears brimming my eyes. I hold him in my lap as I begin to cry shakily running my fingers through his hair. "Wake up, baby... Please." I whisper. I hear a scream and I look back to see Niall screaming and crying, Liam is on the phone. My eyes scan for the bottle only for my eyes to land on a note with my name scribbled on it in his hand writing. I reach up for it and open it.

Harry... My Love, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. I just couldn't go to that place. Niall telling me everything yesterday was a just a push towards this ending. I love you, I always have and will. Don't follow after me, live your life. Move on, find so girl or guy and fall in love. Please for me. I love you. ~ Louis

     I cover my mouth as I cry reading his note for me, there were tear stains already on it from him. I look up to see Liam comforting Niall as the paramedics walk in. They immediately remove me from Lou and start doing several things to check if he was still alive. "We have a slight pulse. Let's hurry and get him to the hospital." A female paramedic says removing her fingers from is neck and helping her partner put him on a gurney board.  I follow them and tap the woman on the shoulder once Lou is resting in the ambulance.

     "May I please ride with him...? He's my boyfriend...I want to spend every last moment I can with him." I say as tears roll down my cheeks. She presses her lips into a hard line before nodding.

     "Fine..." She says and helps in. I grip onto his hand as they woman begins to do everything she can to keep his heart beating. 

     "Please don't leave me...not yet." I whisper biting back a sob.


     Liam holds me as I sob, the doctors said they did everything they could do but he was gone. My heart was breaking in half. It took them seven hours of trying everything they could. It wasn't their baby had just given up, he had no will to live anymore. Liam rubbed my back as I cried. I how was I supposed to handle this? I was going to call his mum with the awful news. 

     "I can always call Johannah..." Liam says as I calm down. 

     "No, I need too. He was my boyfriend, I promised I'd make him better. I failed at that promise and now I have to tell her." I whisper pulling out my phone and leaving to make the dreaded call. It was official...the fans won.

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