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Louis's Point of View (POV):

Day One:

I whimpered as I read through the hate sent in by our fans. It was so brutal...cruel...painful to read. Some talked about my voice and how squeaky or annoying it is, how my personality is awful, complaining how short I am compared to the others, my fucking weight, they talk about how I deserve less solos because of how bad I am of a singer, they love to point out every time I've fucked up a lyric. They either don't know how or just can't let go of my little mistakes. My eyes scan over more and more, one nice fan telling me how much she loves me and stuff but its masked by more hate and death threats. My sight begins to blur as I read over the threat, dammit, I cover my mouth to muffle the sobs that rake my body. I turn up my music just to drown out the sound of my cries as I hide my face in my knees.

Why do they hate me so much?

What did I do to deserve this?

My sobs grow louder as more questions fill my head. I need to stop crying and get ready for the interview with the boys. I stood up and faced the mirror, I saw every flaw the fans saw. This isn't healthy. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm down. I look at my reflection; there are tear stains on my cheeks, my eyes are red, swollen puffy, and my face is red...damn, I look pathetic. I wash my face off and sigh, I guess I look a little better now... 'You're still trash.'

"Lou, It's time to go, come on." Harry calls out as he knocks loudly on the bathroom door. I turned off my music and take a deep breathe before opening the door. The curly lad smiles brightly at me showing his dimples. Harry's smile always lit up the room, it was always so warm, caring, and happy. That's why I loved him so much. He makes want to smile...for real, but I have no energy to anymore. He takes my hand and walks me to the van that was filled with Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Paul. I decided on sitting in the way back alone, all I needed was to be alone. It helps me cope with the hate and pain of my life. I listened in to the boys's conversations about random shit.

"Hey Louis, what do you think?" Niall asks from the first row. I had blanked out, I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Uh, what...?" I ask , my voice extremely hoarse from my little episode. The look on all of their faces said it all. I knew they were gonna pressure me into talking later once we got home. 'They're gonna find out...' I panic and my races to a good lie for a cover up. "I'm fine guys, it's just a small virus." I looked out the window beginning to feel sick, as the others chatted quietly about me. I wanted to curl up and die, I knew they'd find out soon enough. I cover my mouth feeling the bile rushing up.

"Paul, stop the car!" Liam shouts opening the door. I hurry out of the car and toss up the small breakfast I had this morning. I felt a hand rub my back as I breathed slowly. I really am pathetic...throwing up on the side of a highway. I looked up to see Harry looking at me with extreme concern.

"It's okay, boobear..." Harry says gently as he rubs my back.

"Yeah, you'll just sit off stage and relax." Liam smiles weakly. I internally groan knowing we're gonna be late and it's all my fault. I just nod as more bile rises up and I'm forced to cough up more vomit.


Once we arrive, the boys are rushed on stage and Paul ushers me to a couch backstage. "Louis, what's really going on? It's becoming a fight to get you to interviews, to sing at them, to do your job." He asks being extremely serious. He was our security guard, tour manager, and practically our dad...he tries to protect us from everything. 'He can't protect you from us... He can't protect you from your fans...'

"Nothing... I have just been feeling really sick lately. It's probably some stomach flu." I mumble. I don't make eye contact knowing he knows what I told him was complete and utter bullshit.

"We will talk about this later, are we clear?" He asks and I nod. He walks away to watch the others protectively. I sigh in relief and watch the boys smile and laugh with the interviewer. I notice that Harry occasionally looks off in the direction where I am sitting, concern and worry is written all over his face. I hug my knees feeling extremely guilty for worrying him. He's my everything... I could never put any of this on him.

After the interview, Niall began begging Paul to take us to Nando's. Paul and Liam were unsure, both looking directly at me. It was as if they were asking for my permission. Why? Oh wait, I threw up on the way here and sat out of the Interview.

"Maybe another time Nialler, Louis isn't feeling well..." Harry says hugging my waist pulling me closer to him. "If Lou is feeling better tomorrow we can go, okay?" I watch the blonde Irish boy nod sadly and Zayn ruffles his hair trying to cheer him up. I look up at Harry to see his green eyes glossy and concerned for me.

"I'm okay, Haz..." I whisper as he presses his head to mine and closing his eyes.

"Don't fucking lie to me." He whimpers softly. I gulp knowing once we're home he's gonna corner me.


Once we got home, I tried to run upstairs to my room and hide. I was stopped by Harry's strong arms wrapping around my waist. I whimpered softly looking up at Harry pleading to be let go. "You're gonna tell us what's going on Louis, We care about you." Zayn says as Harry sits me on the sofa. I look away from all of them. I knew this was gonna fucking happen.

"Maybe we can help you if you tell us...?" Liam says bending down in front of me. I look at Harry on my left and nuzzle my face into his side, scared.

"Is it the fans...?" Harry whispers brokenly hugging me closer. "Please, you can tell me anything baby..." I bite my lip and grip his shirt. I shake my head no slowly.

"They aren't doing anything, Haz." I whisper.

"Then can I see your phone, babe?" He asks, his hand reaching for my back pocket where my phone was.

"No! That is private!" I jump grabbing my phone from him. His hands take mine and he looks me in the eye. I bite my lip seeing how dark and sad his green eyes are now.

"Open twitter, prove me wrong babe." He whispers. I nod slowly and open the app. It was gonna come out eventually...

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