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Day Three/Four:

     I wake up to an empty bed and sigh softly. I smile softly and hide my blushing face. I turn over to see that Harry left a note next to my alarm clock. I giggle softly and pick it up. 

Hey babe, I hope you had a restful slumber. I love you. We will be back around two-ish I hope, so I can cuddle you more ~ ;) Don't forget the medicine, maybe take so ibuprofen if your bum hurts. See you when I get home, Love You! XOXO ~Hazza. 

     I blush and groan seeing its only eleven thirty and I have three hours of loneliness. I sit up and the sheet falls leaving my bare chest. Maybe I'll take a shower first, then deal with the medicine. I push myself off the bed and make my way to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. I turn on the hot water and wait for it to warm up to my liking. 

     'No one is home...You could slice your skin open and hope for the sweet release of death.' I shake my head of those thoughts. 

     "Harry would know... I don't want to cause him more pain." I say to the fucking voice inside my skull. I really am crazy... I get a towel out and ready before I step into the steamy shower. I sigh in relief as my body relaxes under the warm water. 

     'Slice your hips, he won't see them' The voice calls out again.

     "Yes, he will. Harry isn't dumb" I mumble as I let the water wash over my face. 

     'You still think he cares about you? You're the dumb one if you believe that shit.'

     I groan and hit the wall, "Leave me the fuck alone! All you do is lie!" 

     'You call the truth lies. Harry is disgusted by you. You so chubby, you're voice is super annoying. All you are to him is a dumb little fuck toy.' the voice sneers. 

     I look at the razors sitting in Harry's shower caddie, I bite my lip as tears slip down my face. I reach out for it as the voice pushes me to just slice through my flesh. I break one and pick up one of the blades. I look at my hips...they're right, I have gotten chubbier. I press the blade into my hip and rip a small cut through my skin. I whimper as I create three more.

     'Good boy...' 

     I cry out angry that I let the voice win once again. I wash my body and scrub harder trying to wash away the crime I committed against my beloved Harry. Once I finish my shower I try to cover my tracks and put a bandage on my left hip before getting dressed. I then proceed to make my way downstairs to take the medicine they prescribed me. I was gonna get better for Harry, even if it kills me. I want to be better for him. I down the pill and then begin to look for food to help settle my hungry stomach. I decide on a bag of crisps and a can of Coke. I check the clock that now reads twelve thirty; I sigh and head for the living-room and look for something to distract me until the boys get home.


     I wince when Harry lifts me up bridal style. He eyes me before he presses gently were the wound sits on my hip. I cry out and Harry opens his mouth to begin his lecture but I cut him off with a lie. "I just cut myself on the counter in the bathroom Haz." He raises his brow at me not buying it until Niall interjects.

     "I know, those counters are so sharp! I had a red scratch across my back for the longest time." Niall exclaims. I do a victory dance in my head as Harry nods completely buying it finally.

     "Did you take your medicine?" Harry questions setting me down. I pout and nod not wanting to be sat down so soon. I grip his shirt silently begging for him to hold me in his arms. "Did you eat? Do I need to make you anything?" 

     "I snacked on some crisps." I mumble turning away. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

     "Wanna cuddle and watch a film in my room?" He asks cheekily pressing a kiss on my neck. I nod humming as he lifts me up again.

     "Just cuddle and watch a film. We don't want to hear you two fuck again!" Zayn calls after us chuckling. I blush and hide my face in Harry's neck as he promises not to have sex again.


     I groan as I smell the delicious cooking of my Harry coming from downstairs. I turn to the clock and see it's only ten in the morning and sigh softly. Last night comes to mind of Harry singing me to sleep and I smile. I get up and head downstairs to see only Harry in the kitchen. 

     "Hey Boobear." He says flipping a pancake. My stomach growls as the smell of breakfast overloads my senses.

     "Hmm, this smells so good." I whisper making my way over to him.

     "I'd hope so, I worked hard on it for you. I was gonna bring it up to you." I blush and hug his waist.

     "Sorry... I couldn't stay in bed when I could hear it call to me." I smile as he kisses my head. "I'm gonna make us some tea, alright?" I say as I pad over to the tea pot and cups. I hum the song Harry was singing me last night as I add the water to the pot. I hand the pot to him to put on the burner as I begin to gather my ingredients to make a perfect cup of tea, sugar and milk. As I wait for the water to boil I wrap my arms around Harry. 

     "The house is ours today. Liam, Zayn, and Niall went off to do somethings on our day off. So I was thinking...maybe we could go out tonight." He says softly looking down at me.

     "I'd loved to..."I say leaning up meeting him for a kiss. 

     "Good...because I wasn't gonna take a no." He chuckles and takes the pot off the burner once it whistles. I gladly take it and begin to make our tea dreaming up ideas of what he was planning for tonight. 

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