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Day Two:

     That morning Niall and Harry were nudging my shoulder, trying to wake me from my slumber. A groan escapes my lips and my eyes flutter open. I look up to see Harry, his green eyes are full of anger, he looked more than was furious, wrathful, no he had pure vexation coursing through his veins. My eyes quickly sneak a peak at Niall; who had a softer look, more sad than angry. His eyes were a sad, dull, lifeless grey color, where as Harry's eyes were a dark green full of pure anger. I whimpered once Harry began to speak.

     "Wanna tell us what you did last night?" Harry growled, his voice deeper than usual. He was trying his best not blow up on me...he knew it wouldn't end well if he did. Niall had begun to play with the hem of his shirt during my silence. I looked up as Harry took a deep breath pinching his nose. "Don't make me have to ask again Lou." His voice wavers through the anger. 

     "N-Nothing...Why are you so angry Haz-"

     "Liam... He found a bloody razor in the bathroom." Niall whispers. Fuck, I can't believe I left fucking evidence! 'You're a fucking dumbass... I knew you'd fuck up. Just like usual.' I gulp as Niall begins to speak, "We just need to look at your arm. No big deal... Right?" Yeah... It is a big fucking deal.

     "Yeah, it is. I can't believe you don't fucking trust me!" I shout trying to sound offended. I gasp when Harry mounts me and easily grabs my left arm. He eyes me before pushing down the sleeve, I close my eyes as his breath hitches. Harry moves and hugs me tightly before he begins to cry into my neck. My heart hurts watching him break over my dumb decision. 

     "Why... Why did you do it, Lou?" He whispers faintly. I just shrug biting my lip. He can't know about the voices pushing me into doing it. 

     "I-I'll go tell Liam," Niall mumbles before running out of the room. I curled up tighter against Harry's chest beginning to cry. He holds me closer and rocks me beginning to sing softly to me as I cry. 

     "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Haz..." I mumble against his chest. He just nods holding me and singing softly. My head perks up as the door opens with Liam and Paul coming in.

     "Harry, we need to speak to him in private." Paul says as Liam tries to peal me away from Harry, but I dig my nails and fingers into Harry crying harder. 

     "NO! NO! Don't! Oh god please!" I cry trying to grip onto my Harry. "Please! He's my life support!" I cry as Liam is victorious is pulling me away. Harry takes my hand gently and looks at me. 

     "Don't take him away from me. You won't get anything out of him..." He says softly and pulls me to him. I wrap my arms around him crying harder and gripping his shirt. "You'll have to ask him what you need while I'm here..." He says stroking my hair soothingly. I sniffle relaxing in his arms as he lifts me up around his waist. I bury my face in his neck as Paul and Liam sigh knowing that Harry was right.


     "I'm sorry Lou, but this scares me... What if you commit suicide?" He whispers softly gripping my hand as his fears eat him alive. I could never do something that would cause so much pain in my Harry. I love him too much to do that. 'He doesn't love you though... They'll send you to an asylum once they find out about us...'

     "I won't." I say as he pulled me into a hug, "I promise..."

     "You better not." He says pulling back to meet my eyes. He then proceeds to clean and wrap up my arm to prevent infection and all the bullshit Liam talked about after the serious chat. "You hungry?" I nod slowly and he pecks my lips before walking me downstairs hand and hand. 

     We go our separate ways as he goes to the kitchen to cook and I go wait in the living-room. I wasn't hungry even though I had said I was. It was gonna come back up eventually though. I sit on the sofa and stare at the blank television screen. 

     "Louis breakfast is ready..." Zayn calls from the doorway. I groan and curl up on the sofa, pretending to be asleep. Zayn sighs and walks away. I needed to catch up on sleep anyways... I grab Harry's favorite orange velvet blanket and curl up tighter drifting off. 


     When I wake up, it's completely pitch black outside, I looked up at the clock reading that it was seven twenty-two at night. They let me sleep for seven hours? I sat up and saw that there was a single light on. That small light was in the kitchen, above the stove. I stand up and make my way through the dark house feeling my way around. My hand lands on the wall and I fumble around until my fingers land on the light switch. I switch the light on and blink a few times to get my eyes to adjust to the new brightness. 

     "Harry?" I call out and sigh once there's no answer. I then make my way towards the kitchen. I notice that there's a single note on the counter. I pick up the note and begin to read it over.

We went to a meeting with Simon, you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping so I didn't want to bother you. Don't panic, we'll be home around eight. I'm not gonna sugar coat this...but the meeting is about you and all the shit the fans have been giving you. We all care about you so much...We can't let it continue and have you suffering. We love especially Lou.

 Yours Truly, Harry.

     I read the note about three times before reality sunk in...I was all alone. I could run away- 'you could slice your wrists open...' I look towards the stairs, that sounds so tempting. 'You could even kill yourself...No one is here to stop you...' My eyes water as the voices continue to push me to do everything the boys told me not to.

     "No! I promised Harry!" I scream covering my ears. I can't think about that, I can't let it become an option. Unless the hate doesn't subside...but I doubt it will happen. The boys were talking with Simon about the situation so the hate can't get any worse...right? I sit against the counter and let the voices consume me giving me all the ideas on how to harm myself or kill myself. I stare blankly at the fridge and my stomach growls achingly. Fuck...I'm actually hungry for a change.

     I sigh softly, I have to eat something...even if I throw it up later. I started to gather butter, milk, a pot and a box of macaroni and cheese. This was one of the only thing Harry taught me to make...that doesn't and up with the house in flames. I boil the water and soon it is completed. I smile at my final product and eat it all. Right at eight o'clock the boys arrive come straight to the kitchen. Harry takes the bowl from my hands and begin to check my body.

     "I'm sorry baby, but this is just daily check..." Harry whispers his cold fingers brushing my warm skin. I nod sadly, this is something I'll have to go get used to.

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