The Intern

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My heart throbs as Shaun continues talking about Gianna Bella, a new intern at Saint Bonaventure. I remind my self that he looks so happy when he talks about her, but like him, a lot; even though I don't like admitting to it. I try to push my feelings away as I listen to Shaun. 

"I have to go now. I must get at least 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep to have a good nights rest. Good bye, Meg." I look at Shaun and I know that he's thinking about her. 

"Stop it, Shaun," I grumble, I was getting sick of it, it was clearly evident that I liked him, LIKE ME BACK, I thought. Shaun looked at me, confused. "Stop what?" he asked like a child. 

"You like her!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes. He looked even more confused. He takes out his phone and I see his profile picture; the two of them smirking at the camera like children. It wasn't fair, they were the same age, and she was pretty, I was so jealous. 

"I like you Shaun, a lot," I clasp my mouth and cry. I point at the door and Shaun walks out with shame resting on his shoulders. I slammed the door and run to my room, clean my glasses, brush my hair and change out of my dingy clothes. I heard hesitant knocking at the door and I curse under my breath. 

I open the door and see Shaun awkwardly standing there. "I'm sorry I don't like you." I grumble and shrug it off. Shaun could tell I was upset and he gave me an awkward hug. He wrapped his long arms around me and I calmed down. I sighed and cried into his shirt. 

I woke up from my dream and look up to see Shaun staring at me. "Hello, Meg." I rub my eyes and check my clock 2:45, I was surprised Shaun was still there. I  hug him and he hugs me back. "Good night,  Shaun," I say while heading to my room, he turned off the tv and started walking away. "Good night Meg." "I like you," I whispered to myself as I went to bed. 

The End! 

Sorry this isn't as good as my other ones, too much homework and I had an interview today. Anyway, requests on page 1! 

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